Chapter Tweleve- New friendships

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Chapter twelve- New friendships  (unedited)

Cecilia's POV

My wrist has been aching up a storm for the last couple of days. I feel like something bad is just on the harrison I just don't know what.

To make matters worse I have been pretty much bed ridden for the last couple of days and feeling like my soul isn't fully in my body but that has to be ridiculous.

I tried to go to work the first day I was feeling under the weather but as soon as Mrs Cooker saw me she sent me home.

She has been sending someone to drop me meals off and to check up on me. It's nice to know that she cares but being sick makes me feel even more invalid to look after myself.

On an upside I saw my friend when I woke up in the garden, we spend the afternoon together before I headed home. His much larger then I imagined. I could not even reach the top of his horn when he was what I presume kneeling forward.

Trying to think positive while I am sick is next to impossible. When I was unwell at the orphanage one of the girls would read to me. Some how it made me feel better.

My favourite story was one to do with a dark prince and his unusual bride. I know not of what the name of it is though but I can almost remember the whole story line.

It started like, there is this King his one of a kind his as nice as his evil but he won't blink an eye if you were to die.

Until one day he meets this young lady who is nothing that he expects in anyway. She big, she's loud and she speaks her mind no matter who it is she is speaking too.

I just can't remember how the story fully goes which is shameful seeing as it's my favourite movie. I use to remember it word for word until I got to unwell one time.

Trying to hop up so that I can relieve myself is harder then what it should be with every muscle in my body aching. Holding on to what ever I could just so I can feel my way to the bathroom.

Once I made it back to bed I heard someone knocking at the door and from the vibes the person was giving. I could tell that it was Mrs Cooker.

It must be dinner time already, she always comes to visit me around that time. So that we can share our dinner together. Which is really nice seeing as I don't have many visits of late.

"Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" She asked while I heard her take the sit next to me while she pulled the little table towards her for her supper.

"I wish I could tell you that I am feeling much better but I am afraid that it's not the case." I replied while sitting up in bed.

"That's not good but I have made a feast for us tonight. I thought that it might make you feel a bit better. There's a little bit of everything."

From the smell of her food not only made my stomach growl but filled my home with the most loveliest smells imaginable. I could smell all my favourite foods.

I hope that she didn't go to to much trouble making our supper. I feel like I should be old enough to make my own supper but I know with being unwell that is not the case.

"It all smells wonderful Mrs Cooker, I hope that you didn't go to to much trouble" I replied hoping that she heard the thankfulness in my voice.

"Oh no sweetie, nothing is to much trouble for you, and we have most of the same favourite foods which I think is wonderful because I love food." She said with a laugh while handing me my plate which from the weight of it I could tell is topped with food very high.

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