Chapter six-What a beautiful creature

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Chapter six- What a beautiful creature

Cecilia's POV

Feeling the sun on my face, is a nice way to spend my break, I wish I new what it looks like but from what people have told me its like a big ball of firer burning in the sky.

I am happy I can at least feel the sun, sometimes I wish I could at least have one day but then I realise how can I really miss what I never had.

I have never been given the gift of sight, but I still live and help people, maybe not in the way other people do but in my own special way I can.

Like I can help them with the beauty of there garden. To mend what was broken and make them feel joy and proud of there home.

Shrugging away my thoughts I stood up and making my way over to the other end of the garden, or should o say deeper in.

I can feel the sun being blocked out by the trees. Feeling a breeze I wrapped my shore around my shoulders tighter.

It's weird how the weather always changes, but I guess it's just one of the strange things in life that we will never fully understand.

Well me at least, taking a drink of my green cordial. I could feel a huge sugar rush come on.

Maybe I put a little to much cordial in I thought with a giggle which broke the silence that filled the garden.

" hush little girl don't say a word, I know this world can be cold and harsh. Just remember there's someone out there for every one."

I sang into the distance, the lullaby that Sandy use to sing to me.

"Hush little girl you'll find a family one day, so don't you cry because tomorrow is a new day."

Taking a deep breath, I didn't realise tell now how much I miss my mother figure. I wish I can see her soon and the other kids.

"Hush little girl don't you cry you'll be apart of someone's family and they'll love you as much as I do".

Whipping away the last tears I decided to concentrate on my work at hand.

When out of know where I hear hooves glopping towards me in alarm. 

I couldn't stop the ear piecing scream when I felt the air of the creature run past me and almost knocking me over in the process.

What on earth can make that creature what ever it is be in such a hurry? That's when I heard the voice of an angry man.

"Where did that nonsense go? I swear when I get ahold of that unicorn I'm going to ring it's damn neck!"

Oh my green cordial! It was a unicorn! I have heard that they care magnificent creatures! I never thought I would come close to one in my life!

I must try and save it! With that thought I done something I have never done in my life.

Demand attention!

"Excuse me sir! I think you should leave! You are on privet propriety!" I said in the loudest voice I could manage under the circumstances.

"I know who's propriety it is! I have a right to come onto it when it comes to my unicorn. Mr Raynarson said so himself!" He said while walking past me.

"Are you going to harm it once you find it sir?" I asked.

I really hope he doesn't! 

"That's none of your concern!"

"If you don't want it anymore why don't you just sell it?" I tried pleading with him but I tripped over something.

Landing face first!

I'm not going to lie, it hurt it hell and I am pretty sure my lip is bleeding.

To top it all off the man just kept walking I can just still hear his foot steps in the distance.

Lifting myself up on the ground,  I slowly started using my feet to find my stick that flew out of my hand when I fell.

Once my foot hit it I picked it up and it felt different, oh well I need to get back, I can feel the sun going down and I was suppose to go and talk to Nixon but I think I'll just wait tell tomorrow.

Luck wasn't on my side though because as soon as I came to the front of the garden.

"Where have you been Cecilia? It's dark and I have been waiting in my office for you for the last two hours!" Nixon snapped but I also notice the worry in his voice.

I opened my mouth to speck but before I could Nixon was specking again.

"What happened to you? Why is your face covered in blood?" He asked and I was in shock because for once there was no anger in his voice.

Sitting down on the grass I told him everything that happened this afternoon.

He was quiet for the longest time.

"Raymond was on my land again?! I swear I am going to get him for this and that stupid unicorn!" He snapped.

Looks like the angry Nixon is back. I can't stand animals getting hurt.

"Please don't hurt the unicorn, it's not its fault" I pleaded with him.

"I'm sorry" Nixon replied before he walked away.

Getting up and trying not to cry I made my way home and all I could think was about the unicorn and what's beautiful creature it is.


I hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote or comment if you have time and thank for reading.

Kaymaii Xx

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