Chapter 2: Payment

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I was downstairs talking to Dad when I felt electricity course though me. As it coursed through me it sent a message that echoed in my mind. It said 'Help Juli. Help Juli'. Leaping to my feet I rushed upstairs to Juli's room but before I opened the door I knew. I felt her death and then the door swung open and I saw it. My twin was dead on the floor.

I fell to my knees hit the ground in front of her as I reached out and gathered her to me. I pried a knife out her hand as the voice from her dreams began to whisper in my ear telling me what to do. I didn't think I just did what it said. She was my twin. Opening my hand I sliced open my palm then grasped Juli's limp hand then I mixed our blood together. I vaguely heard voices telling me to stop but I ignored them as I spoke the words he told me to say. 

"Bring her back, Raven. Come back to life but you bring my sister with you. That's the deal. If you come back so does she. You wanted it you got it. Do it NOW!" I vaguely remembered the name Raven but couldn't place who it was. Dad tugged my hand from Juli's trying to stop what was already done. Our pact was already made. He was too late and I didn't know what I had just done.  

The wind howled and shoved us into the wall while Juli lay unmoving in the floor. We were struggling to sit up when we heard the applause. Looking over at Julie's bed I came face to face with Raven. His black eyes shined with pleasure as he reached down and picked the knife I had dropped on the floor. I walked over to Juli and placed my hand in hers as he slid the knife across his palm. Blood welled and he smiled. He was alive now. I felt Dad squeeze my shoulder as he bent down and placed his bleeding hand on Juli's wound. He was so close I could smell his evil. I didn't make a move towards him, just clutched my dead sister's hand. Then his hand lifted and her wound healed itself. I heard Juli gasping for air as Raven spoke. 

"And Gabriel brought me back to save the sister that he will kill. Don't worry Luke. I'll kill you and Leslie myself. We have old debts her and I." Dad leapt at him as Raven disappeared into thin air. He fell onto the bed as I clutched Juli to me. She was alive that was all that mattered.  

Crying now, I leaned forward as Dad leapt off the bed and knocked me away from Juli. He held me down as he screamed for Asa, Jared and Alex's mom, to get her ass up here. He was still holding me down when Asa walked into the room. I was furiously trying to get loose when Asa paused at the door to check out the scene. It was then she saw Juli. She rushed forward as she spoke. 

"Get out!" At first I wasn't sure what she meant then I looked at Juli. I saw the freakish smile on her face as Dad let me go. Juli stood and I saw her eyes were a neon green. 

"Assssa. We are not so easssy to get rid of this time. You are no longer strong enough to hold ussss." Juli's head tilted to the side as she chuckled softly. Faster than I could blink Juli had grabbed Dad and thrown him across the room. And out the window. Shit this was bad. I started to speak, to beg her to fight this but she'd already lifted me in the air her hand pressed into my throat. I struggled to break free but to no avail. I tried to stay conscious as I fought to breathe. Blackness was overcoming me when I heard mom's voice. 

"Release my son. I'll kill you myself you damn snake." Juli's eyes flickered between us as she dropped me to the ground. 

"You wouldn't risk your child Leslie." I gasped and struggled to stand as my face went deathly pale. 

"What?" Frantically I looked for Asa but she was on the floor beside the bed unconscious. It was up to me. Juli was face to face with Mom now but Mom didn't even flinch. I struggled to move but I was frozen in fear. My Mom was fixing to die. Juli's nails grew longer and she was no longer speaking but hissing softly. Mom drew her shoulders back then raised one hand and placed it on Juli's face. Juli drew back her arm to strike and Mom raised one eyebrow giving Juli the same look she gave us when we knew we were in trouble. 

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