||Seven||I wanna!||

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No ones Pov

Riley and Maya where spends a lot more time over the flowing weeks with each other. Going on dinner dates, going shopping and taking Hattie places. It's way like the last few years never happened and they were the best of friends again. Lucas was slowly mending his relationship with Farkle and Zay, He wasn't as quick to patch up his relationship being a lot more caution but knew they he needed his best friends and they gang back together. Of course is was difficult with Riley and Lucas both being parents but they respected that they have their own commitments and can't go out drinking like they rest of them do whether they were legal or not.

A lot had changed in the time Riley and Lucas were separated from the group. Farkle and Smake where engaged and Maya and Zay had an unspoken romance. Maya always gushing about her time with Zay and Zay always gushing about his time with Maya. Riley found piece that she now had her best friend back and that she was happy in the not quite yet relationship and it not being with the uncle Joshua who she hadn't spoken to in a long time along with her mom. One thing that they were all to make sure they didn't do is get pregnant, they way smakle said it with her having not filter in the brain saying "we don't wanna end up like Riley" which obviously she took offense to with her life never being better since she had her little girl.

Lucas Pov.

Ever since I found out that Farkle and Smakle got engaged it got me thinking if I should pop the question to Riley. We have been in love since the 8th grade and despite life, heartbreak, death, loss and other relationship we still ended up together with  gorgeous little child that I love so much and also loved her. They are my world so why not? Riley was out with Maya and Hattie so i scrambled around the apartment looking for my phone to call Farkle and Zay.

"Lucas what are you calling us for it's 11:00 on a Sunday morning." Zay said in his raspy morning voice I could tell I just woke him up.

"Yeah dude what so important?"

"I wanna propose to Riley!"


"Lucas marriage is a big thing you sure you're ready for that?"

"Farkle we have a kid together, we've been in love despite everything since the 8th grade, she's my one and only I'm sure!"

"Okay dude what do you need us to do?" Zay chimed in with i think a mouth full of food.

Riley Pov.

I was walking through the park with Hattie in one hand and my other arm lined around Maya's This was my life and I was happy about it. if this was all I was gonna get in life I was happy with it, even though as a human I do what more, I want another kid I want to get married I wanna move into a house, but this being my life at 20 years old I was happy and grateful for it!

Hattie let go of my hand to go running on to the park to go and play with her friends I sat on the bench with Maya as she turned to face me, she knew I had something on my mind and she knew that it was eating away at me.

"Riley what' wrong?"

"What..? Oh nothing Maya really"

"Riles I've been with you in some way all out lives pretty much I know when something is up. Tell me."

"Do you think Lucas will ever wanna marry me or are we just gonna be known as the two teenagers who had a kid but never took their relationship any further than boyfriend and girlfriend, I want Hattie to grow up as say oh well my mom and dad are married to there just together or not togeather." I said as I let a sight out of my body as mt shoulder collapsed 

"Riley, I've never seen him in love with anymore as much as he is with you, ever since the 8th grade, they way he looks at you! Fuck he never looked at Missy Bradford like that, hell he never looked at me like that, even when we were together the way he looked at you. It was like you was his star, one and only."

"Yeah, I guess, if this is my life I'm happy and grateful for it I can't help but want more."

"Of course you do, your Riley Matthews and Lucas knows that and when he does purposes it will be magical"

"Thanks Maya."


As I went playing around on the park with Hattie I could see Maya forever talking on the Phone with a big grin on her face, she looked so happy probably talking to Zay.

"Mommy, I'm hungry can we go back home?"

"Yep lets just go find Maya." I picked Hattie up and placed her on my hip and she nuzzled into my neck and getting comfy gosh I wished she could stay like this forever!

"Hey Maya Hattie is hungry I'm gonna take her home you coming?"

"Actually let me take Hattie, you go home take a nice long hot bath, relax take time to look georgious, not that you don't but yeah then get to Lucas' moms by 9pm tonight.


"Beats me Zay told me to tell you." She said with a big grin on her face. I knew she knew but I wasn't gonna question it. 

I passed Hattie on to Maya she had a big grin on her face too She loved spending time the Auntie Maya it was so cute seeing my two girlies together.


Yay i updated, sorry not updated in time College is like killing me but i'm gonna keep trying cause i'm in love with this story!!!

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