"What were you doing out of bed?" The nurse stressed. "It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours since your accident!"

Accident? Just what did Chara and Asriel tell them what happened?

I shrugged. "Needed to relieve myself."

The doctor shook their head in disbelief.

"You could have pressed the nurse call button. Nurse Martinez would have brought you a bed pan."

I made a face at that. There was no way I was going to use one of those.

"I would crawl to the bathroom before I did that."

They both gave me an exasperated look. Nurse Martinez sighed. I gave them another shrug, a smile playing on my lips.

"You wouldn't want to use it either."

The doctor cleared their throat, interrupting our short-lived banter.

"Well, since you're already up, go ahead and go to the bathroom. We'll hook you back up to the IV and check your vitals when you come back."

I simply nodded. My throat was beginning to hurt. I wasn't accustomed to so much talking. And I had been doing quite a bit of it the past week. With slow steps, I made my way past the nurse and doctor and headed into the bathroom. After I closed the door behind me, I flicked the light switch on. The bathroom was tiny, barely fitting a toilet and sink. When I was done, I washed my hands, staring dully as the water turned pinkish for a few seconds from the blood on my arm. They were right. I shouldn't be doing so much, as little as it was. I was already very tired and using a bed pan was becoming slightly appealing. I dried my hands and exited the bathroom. I almost fell again, but Nurse Martinez caught me. They didn't say anything though. Just helped me to the bed.

"You know, for someone who fell from a tree and landed on a rock, hitting your head quite hard, you're doing remarkably well." Nurse Martinez commented.

So that's the story Chara and Asriel came up with. Better play along, I thought.

"My pounding headache and sudden fatigue says otherwise." The headache was from my earlier fall though. Not from when my soul was ripped into thirds.

"Those are common symptoms for head trauma." The doctor said as they came over with a clipboard in hand. "Nurse Martinez, why don't you take Ms Dreemurr's rather untouched food tray away? I can take it from here."

Nurse Martinez grabbed the tray, nodding their head.

"Of course, Doctor Powell. If you'll excuse me."

The nurse left, an annoyed expression on their face.

"Why did you send them away?" I asked.

Doctor Powell placed the stethoscope around their neck and into their ears, instructing me to sit up straight and take a deep breath in.

"They love to gossip too much. Breathe in again."

I did as they said, worry beginning to gnaw at my insides. Did the doctor know something? They spoke again as they put the stethoscope around their neck.

"It's obvious your body had experienced major stress before your friends brought you in, and there was a bump on your head. However, that didn't explain why parts of your soul were missing."

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I gripped the edge of the bed, eyeing the doctor suspiciously.

"What's with that look, Ms Dreemurr? Science has advanced quite a bit thanks to your monster friend, Doctor Alphys. She built a machine that allows us to examine souls— human and monster alike." They wrapped my left wrist with a bandage to cover the wound the IV had left when it ripped out from it. The doctor then inserted the IV needle into my right wrist. I flinched slightly.

"I'm not going to pry, rest your fears," Doctor Powell gave me a curious look. "I would imagine there is a good reason your soul is this way. It's none of my business anyways."

I gave them a surprised look.

"I don't believe you."

They laughed heartily.

"If I'm being honest, I would love to study your soul and ask you more questions about what happened, however I don't think that's in my best interest."

The doctor winked at me before standing up.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," They walked towards the door, but stopped and turned their head back at me. "Oh, before I forget, someone brought you some flowers. They're to your right." With that Doctor Powell left.

I need to be careful around them, I thought uneasily. Then I looked to my right and just like they said, a vase of flowers was there. Why hadn't I noticed the flowers before? I thought. The vase that held them was black. This was a stark contrast to the white blooms. I had no idea what kind they were, but the flowers were beautiful. A card was attached to the vase. Curious, I lifted the card off, peeling the tape away from the card. When I opened it, my blood ran cold.

"Your days are numbered, monster-lover."

Sacrifices (Undertale FanFic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now