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I walked along the lake at the park. Stopping to feed the ducks and pigeons every now and then.

Ever since Msizi's passing . I've been looking for every excuse to stay out of the house and this park has been my refuge since then.

Msizi died in deportation three days before he was supposed to come back and I tell him that we're expecting a baby boy but we ended up having his funeral on that day. I never understood when people said I'm dead but alive until then. I was still breathing and my heart was beating to pass off as living but every part of me felt dead but over the past two months I've been better and a little happier than usual although I do have my downs every now and then .I'm also happy because it always gets the baby more active even though the activity makes me a victim of his kicks.

I realize that I've been crying when I feel the wet liquid trickle down my left cheek. I shake my head slightly , smiling , tearing my eyes away from the view of the lake and my eyes met with a mans roughly around my age in the distance. I blush when I realize he's been staring at my belly that I'd been subconsciously rubbing. I wave at him smiling. He waves back and starts making his way over.

"Hi I'm Dumisani, nice to meet you." he said shaking my hand . "I'm Y/N nice to meet you too." I replied . I noticed how his eyes went from my face to my belly.

"Would you like to touch it?." I offered and his smile widening as he nodded enthusiastically making me laugh. I lifted my top slightly and let him touch it."Wow it's so ..., how far along are you?"he asked genuinely fascinated by my belly. "Tomorrow will be a full four months." I stated proudly. "Wow you guys must be stoked, congratulations!" He exclaimed but his words caused my heart to sink."Well his father passed on two months ago." I said breaking eye contact with him avoiding seeing the sympathetic look everyone has been giving me.

There was an awkward silence before he broke it "I'm sorry for your loss, have you figured out whether he's gonna be a footballer or boxer yet." he asked referring to the baby's movements and I was grateful for the subject change. "From my observation I'm leaning more on the Footballer side." I replied making us both laugh. "Would you like to grab something to eat?" He asked and I took a moment to decide before agreeing.

From then onwards he hasn't missed a single doctors appointment , ultrasound scan and he's been helping me exercise and prepare the nursery for when the baby arrives. Over the past five months Dumi and I have become the best of friends and I really appreciate his support

Today we decided to have a picnic at the park where we met. "I can walk on my own." I protested as Dumi fussed over me walking on my own on the pebble pathway without help as I waddled around rather than walked. He was so over protective sometimes I got frustrated. He didn't let me help set up the blanket because doctors orders claimed I couldn't bend . he didn't even let me help prepare the food because I couldn't stand too long without my feet getting swollen. Although I loved the pregnancy glow I was so ready to push this baby out of me not only because of the pain and discomfort but also because of Dumi.

"Here we go now you can sit." he stated "I could have helped though I'm not handicapped." I grumbled ."You're cute when you're mad." he cooed trying to pinch my cheeks but I swayed his hand away.

"I hate you sometimes." I grumbled still sulking "I love you too." he said actually pinching my cheek this time. "Yeah yeah whatever just hand the food over." I demanded but couldn't help smiling at his adorableness this time . "Chill ,here's your food before your wrath results in my death." he mused handing me a sandwich. "Oh don't be dramatic." I chided bumping his shoulder. "I'm the dramatic one huh." he mumbled and I playfully glared at him causing him to lift up his hands in surrender. We sat there for the rest of the afternoon arguing about every little thing until sunset with my head on his lap and his hand rubbing my belly.

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