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Months passed quickly like a blink of an eye.

Time let me mend from being broken but I know deep inside... the scars made a beautiful pattern in my heart.

I know it's funny when I worked so hard in my office, keeping myself busy like 24/7  then at the end of the day...

I'm still alone - alone and lonely.

"Leu," an angelic voice woke me up from spacing out again. She's sitting on the chair across mine with her chin on top of her entwined fingers.

I smiled.

"Well, how are you?? You came here too early" I asked, gesturing her to come near me.
She wiggled off the chair then make herself comfortable on my lap.

"Well, school ended early and I want to surprise you." She said, grinning.

Yes, she's fine, healthy and alive. After those therapy sessions, God answered my prayers.

She fought for me.

"Leu??" She called and I hummed in response.

She stared at nowhere in particular. "I-I'm sorry to open up this leu, I-I just missed...him" she finished, fidgeting.

I chuckled lowly.

"Yeah. Me too... but I guess we should learn to move on without him." I said, brushing her hair.

A comfortable silence took place.

" Well, that was my last key to set you free."

That was the last words he said. The last ten words that was carved deep enough in me, still chaining me in my past.

Set free.

That was I should feel and enjoy right now... but the way he said it to me, gives my body a command that was exactly the opposite of it.

"Do you think he also miss us??" Marie asked, a creeping sadness formed on her face.

I chuckled.

"Maybe yes... maybe no. He's a good man. And we both know it" I answered.

I heard her yawned.

"You're tired." I said, almost a whisper.

"I planned everything and it includes... adopting Marie."

That was one of his countless plans he made.

I smiled at the thought.

That was he said back on the day he proposed to me. He had those millions of jars that were full of hope and will.



Simple but Happy life.

Those were my wishes and hopes with him. Wishes and hopes with the imperfect man but perfectly mine.

But surely, he buried it all in the past. The thought of pain I've caused him makes me feel hopeless.

I looked down to the angel in my arms and sighed.

She fell asleep.

In a perfect timing, Bren appeared in. (Celine's husband, remember him??)

"Good God! I'm so lucky you came." I said, almost overreacting.

He wiggled his brows and chuckled. "You missed me that much, huh?" He said teasingly.

In Chaos [ Wattys2016 ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora