Chapter 9

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Erin's POV:

Chapter 9-

Of course, what did I expect. I tell him I love him and he says right back with no hesitation, that's what I wanted, not what I expected. I got less than I expected, he was supposed to either say yes, I'll break up with Grace, or a flat out no. He ran off like a little girl playing tag. Ms. Dun couldn't stop him, he just kept running. I ran after him but I'm no match for Caylen, as I reached the doors to the gym he was already half way down the hallway. I went back to my spot on the floor and let a single tear run down my cheek. I followed it in my mind, as the tear fell down my cheek I let my feelings and love for Caylen disappear just as the tear eventually did. I would not stand for it anymore, the secrecy, the not knowing. The tear fell because I used to love him, but I will not let another one fall for something I am done falling for.

Caylen, a name gone and passed in my dictionary. I didn't see him in the hallway when I usually do since our classes lye next to each other, but I was running quite late anyway so I didn't think anything of it. I entered my Spanish room and I saw unfamiliar face sitting my seat, a face that not only didn't belong in my seat but that did not belong in this class at all. This face came closer and closer until I realized it was hurtling after me at full speed. The blow knocked the wind out of me, the brute force this woman knocked me to ground with is absolutely illogical. I hit the floor and heard a crack in my shoulder area, probably a fracture, but hurt like hell none the less. My vision went blurry and I still couldn't see my attacker. The shot to my face felt like a gust a wind blowing over my jaw. She never got a second hit in as my Spanish partner Melissa, and the assistant teacher pulled a fuming Grace off my broken body.

I opened my eyes just to see a Grace like monster being pulled away from me, her hair is knotted like she has been running her hands through her hair non stop for 24 hours. Her lipstick is off as if she rushed to do it, and her eyes... Puffy, very puffy. There is a fire in her eyes which much have caused all of her mascara to run away, it's going everywhere. The black streak stops at lips and I realize that is why her lipstick is messy, she must of had to it over again. Nothing makes sense, why does she look like a rabid dog and why did she attack me? Then I try to stand up to talk to her and ask her why, when I'm enclosed in darkness and see human like figures coming to my aid.

I wake up again in the arms of George, some other geek who is failing Spanish. He lyes me back down on the floor. He does it much to quickly and drops me a little near the end, I hit my head just a little but feel a shooting pain go down my spine and up my head, tears leave my eyes and I can't stop them. My immediate thought is that I'm paralyzed but I realize I sat myself up just a second ago. However, I still can't move my head and my jaw is in throbbing pain. I see Grace crying out of the corner of my eye, I still don't know why she attacked me or even why she looks like a lost puppy. I honestly don't care, my body is broken and she stole the only thing I care about, no cared about.

I am half dragged, half carried to the nurses office where she concludes I have a concussion, but she can't conclude if it's minor or major and something is wrong with my shoulder. She recommends I go to the hospital after school to get it checked it out. I ask if I can stay in the nurses office until the school day is over. The nurse says yes and so do my teachers. I lye on a not so comfortable couch that really should be classified as a dentists chair. I lye and while I rest my throbbing body I think about Grace and what reason she would ever have for doing this to me, nothing clicks so I eventually doze off until the a bell rings and I wake up with the worst headache ever.

Another bell rings and the nurse tells me I can go. "Is the day already over?" I ask.

"Yes, that was the end of 10th period, your father called while you were sleeping, he should be outside by now." What! How long was I sleeping for?!?

"How long was I sleeping?" I ask much calmer than I feel.

"You slept from fourth period through ninth, I tried waking you earlier to tell you your father had called but you were out cold, so I let you sleep."

"Oh, ok," I am quite confused but I grab my backpack and stand up much too quickly. I immediately get light headed, and the nurse quickly comes to my aid. I fall into her arms but don't pass out, she sets me back down on the couch/dentists chair and I sit for another couple minutes. The nurses phone rings and my headache returns to the sound of the annoying, and repeating ring. She answers it as soon as possible as she has noticed my pain.

"It is your father," it's takes a while to realize she is talking me even though I am the only one in the room. "He is here, I can take to his car by wheelchair if you would like." I accept her offer and slowly get into the chair. She rolls me as slow as possible taking the handicap ramps. I feel helpless, I hate feeling helpless. Caylen made me feel helpless, this wheelchair reminds me of Caylen, it makes me feel helpless. I hate this wheelchair.

I pull up to the car and my dad helps me up and into the car. My dad thanks the nurse and closes my door softly, I thank him with my eyes and he gives me a your welcome right back with his. He gets into his seat and we take off on our way to the hospital.

" So I heard a chick clocked ya right in the face!" He says it with excitement and I give him a look.

"Ya, so what. It hurt like hell, you woulda cried too!" I'm not in the mood to get called a wimp by my father. My father isn't good with children, that's one if the reasons why my parents are divorced. My dad is a socially awkward butterfly, he doesn't know what to say to people but he can't stop talking no matter who he is around. Unless it's my mother he's around, she's the only exception.

"Speaking of crying, this lady who works with me got laid off and god you could tell she wasn't gonna have those black streaks on her face for at least a couple days!" I tuned out after that but of course he kept on going. That got me thinking again. Grace was also crying, but why did she do it and how did it have anything to do with me. The questions continue to float in my head for the next five minutes it takes to get the hospital. We arrive and the questions stop. I am met at my car by a large dark skinned man who is wearing a blue outfit, I assume he is nurse. He offers me a wheelchair and I want to deny but my head isn't getting any better. I reluctantly say yes. I sit down and let the helplessness begin again.

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