2# Nosebleeds And Pokemon

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2/23/19: This story was made years ago, so apologizes for OOCness, errors, and more!


"Bye mum!" Tsuna called out as she walked out the front door.

"Bye Tsu-chan~! Have a good day at school!" Nana called back as she went back to cleaning the dishes.

Halfway at school Tsuna looked up into a tree, "Reborn you can come out now." A 'tch' was heard from said tree as a shadowed body came out.

"Damn senses." Muttered Reborn underneath his breath, he walked along side the little brown haired girl.

"I wonder why Hayato and Takeshi weren't here this morning..." Tsuna asked herself as she walked. She really just remembered that they weren't their and felt a little guilty for forgetting about them.

Reborn smirked. "Maybe their...alone." Tsuna stopped walking as her face grew red. She tried to get the dirty thoughts out of her head.

Until she heard something...She really didn't have to hear.

"No-! ahh Ah" A weird moaning sound came from behind the think bushes.

Reborn and Tsuna were the only people around right at the moment so...

Tsuna went to face Reborn. "Did you hear that? Is someone in trouble??" She questioned as Reborn froze.

Reborn grabbed her shoulders and started to drag her away. "Its nothing you need to worry about, come on were going the other way."

Tsuna pulled away. "I'm going to go check it out, those people could be in trouble." And so she stalked off into the bushes.

"No- wait Tsuna!" Reborn called as he tried to keep Tsuna's innocence.

As the sounds grew louder Tsuna became more concerned. Reborn walked after her.

"S-stop..." Someone that sounded Alot like Hayato called out. Tsuna started jogging, thinking that one of her friends was getting hurt. Reborn got ready to catch Tsuna.

Because you know, blood loss and all.

Peeking through the bushes she looked, and them turned away. Red faced and all.

"Oh my god." Tsuna said. "Oh my god" she repeated.

Blood started to steep out of her nose. She made no move to stop it.

"I-I would have never took Hayato as the uke.." Tsuna then proceeded to have a major nosebleed, flying back Reborn caught her.

Reborn sighed. "Nana and now her? I don't understand people and Yaoi. I would prefer Yuri."

"GODDAMNIT NONO! GET OFF THE FUCKING FRIDGE!" Nono only meowed and purred while nuzzling his head into the cold suffice.

"Reborn..?" Fon looked out from the front door only to see Reborn in his pajamas and nightcap, with a phone.

Reborn didn't even spare a glace Fon's way.

"Fuck. Fucking Pikachu got away.." grumbled Reborn as he walked around-

-Only to walk into a lamppost.

"Damn it." Reborn hissed as he tapped his phone furiously. "Stop dodging fucking Eevee...Dame-Tsuna even caught you."

Fon blinked as he watched this. The number one hitman just ran into a lamppost.

A lamppost.

"Is he..Playing Pokemon Go?" Fon questioned his sanity as he walked back into the house to take a good nights sleep.

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