Tallen: Well chap, It's the best decision to make. Waiting for the right moment. That's how a man should treat her lady. (winks at me)

Blake: Tallen, got a point. But If I were you...you should be qui---(Drew punches Blake's arm) OOWW!

Drew: Blake...stop that...(looks at me) If you're about to do it just remeber one thing...make her feel special. Just that...

Me: Thanks guys. (smiles)

We all man-hug then went to our classes. At class, I couldn't stop thinking about what we talked about on lunch. It was too...private. But it kinda made me think about my relationship with Keith. It's strong but...I want it to be stronger.

When the last bell rung, I quickly walked out off the classroom. I spotted Keith on the lockers.She was busy arranging her books for tomorrow. Then suddenly I have the strangest feeling ever. I started to look down on her body. She has nice curves. And her breasts are just normal but very hard to resist. Her cheeks are so rosy and something about her lips makes my jaw dropped. It was very tempting like it's begging for me to kiss it and make---Woah... woah...woah...

I mentally slapped my forehead. What the hell am I thinking?! It's too soon...I'm waiting for the right moment...I sighed and made my way towards her. She greeted me with a hug which I hugged back ignoring the excitement on my body.

Keith: I've got something for you. (gives me a box)

Me: (opens the box) Wow...It's a heart-shaped key necklace.

Keith: I have the heart-shaped padlock. (reveals the necklace) You have the key to my heart, Greyson. and I'll always love you. Happy Anniversary (hugs me)

Me: That's so sweet....(hugs back) I love you, too. (pulls away) Uhmm...Listen, I got soccer practice...Just go home without me 'kay?

Keith: (smiles) Okay.. Bye Grey (walks away)

I wore the necklace and put my stuff at my locker. I really need to get home before her. Damn, I forgot that I don't bring my car to school. Keith preferred walking than driving to school. I spotted Blake with Rachel and they're heading to his car. I quickly ran over to them.

Me: (panting) Blake...I need your help.

Blake: What is it, bro?

Me: Can you drive me home? I left mine at home.

Blake: But what about our date, Rachel?

Rachel: We'll just drive Greyson home first. (looks at me) Why the rush anyway?

Me: It's our anniversary today.

Blake: Oooh that's serious alright.....Come on..Let's go.

Thanks to them, I went to my house before Keith does. Cool. Now to set up my plan.


Keith's P.O.V

Me: I'm home!!

I went on the kitchen and saw my Mom smiling at me then winked at me. That's unsusal. Kevin was busy watching television but suddenly stopped then winks at me. It was really unusual. Dad was busy polishing his fishing poles. He stopped then winked at me. What's happening on this house?!

I quickly went upstairs then found this box lying on my bed. I closed the door and approached the box. A smile spread on my face as I examine the box. It was a dress. It was blue, My favorite color. In the box there left a note.

To the love of my life.

You reading this means that you must've seen my surprise.

I want you to wear it.

At exactly 8 o'clock. Someone will be there to pick you up.

Instruct him to go to the place where I first met you.

If you still remember it.

I love you. <3



I gently pressed the dress on my face. It was soft. I giggled softly as I placed the dress down and went over to clean myself. Now I know why my family had been acting weird.

A few hours later

I was brushing my har when Mom entered the room.

Sarah: Oh my--- you're so beautiful..

Me: (smiles) Thanks Mom.

Sarah: Your ride's here.

Me: (stands up) I better get going then.

Sarah: Yeah...you don't want him to wait ,right?

I kissed my Mom on the cheek and went downstairs. My dad and Kevin's jaws dropped. They went back to their senses when I kissed them on the cheek.

Bert: You look exactly like your mom when I asked her to prom. (hugs me)

Me: Aww..thanks dad. (hugs back)

Kevin: You look like an angel, Keith.

Me: Thanks, kiddo (pinches his cheek)

I went outside to and saw a car. It was a jaguar. To be exact, it was Greyson's car. It was a gift from Ellen on his 16th birthday. Leaning on that car was Tanner. I greeted him with a smile which he smiled back.

Me: I see you're my ride.

Tanner: Yes I am. (smiles) So where to milady?

Me: At the park.

Tanner: (opens door) Right this way.

I took a seat and let Tanner drive me to the park. I don't know what's gonna happen next but I knew this is gonna be fun. XD

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now