Chapter 18

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Greyson's P.O.V

Me: K-Keith?

Keith: (looks at me) Hey Greyson (smiles weakly)

Me: Uhmm-uh....

Lisa: Go take a seat now, Greyon...(looks at them) Sarah and Bert, Good to see you...

My mom and Keith's parents began to talk while I just stare blankly on the ground...I'm so nervous and my body began to sweat like crazy...I still put up a smile to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson...We sat down and ate dinner...Mom began to look at us back and forth...

Lisa: Why aren't you talking, sweetie? You used to be the talkative one here...

Me: Uhmm...It's just the food's too delicious...

Alexa frowned at me then looked away...Kevin seems to get along with Tanner and Keith just finished with her salad...

Bert: So Scott...How about we go and have some man to man talk....It's been a long time since we did it...

Scott: I agree...(stands up)

Bert: We'll be back (stands up)

The two of them walked away...Mom and Sarah excused themselves also...Tanner and Kevin watched some action movie in the living room...Alexa said she got some reading to do...that leaves me and Keith...very awkward...But I need to make my move now...or I'll regret it...

Me: Wanna go get some fresh air? (stands up)

Keith: Uh-Yeah..(stands up)

We went to our backyard...The breeze felt so cool and the moon was full...We both stand there in silence...

Me: I-I'm sorry...

Keith: I'm the one who's sorry...

Me: (chuckles) I don't know...Anger just took control of me...

Keith: Why we're you angry?

Me: I don't know...It's just...I felt so..misplaced...

Keith held my hand and hugged me tight....I instantly hug back...She placed her head on my shoulder while I wrap my arms around her waist...

Keith: I'm sorry...You're my bestfriend...I don't wanna lose you...(squeezes me tight)

I blushed and held her tight...I could hear her heart beat...It was so soothing...I buried my face to her hair..the fragrance, I miss this...We both pulled away and stare into each others eyes...Then she began to lean....At first I thought she was gonna kiss me on the lips...but it went straight on my cheek....I smiled weakly as I remembered she was dating Mike...She held my hand and swing it back anfd forth....

Keith: Friends again...(smiles)

Me: Correction...Best friends...(smiles)

Keith: (giggles) Sorry...

Me: (sighs) I miss this...(smiles)

Keith: (smiles) Me too...

Sarah: (walks in) Keith, It's getting late...We need to go...(walks away)

Keith was about to leave when something unexpected happened...

Keith: Uh-wait...I forgot something...

She ran up to me and pressed her lips against mine...Before I knew it, I found myself kissing back....I felt sparks exploding inside me...She pulled away and smiled at me...

Me: (blushing) W-What was that for?

Keith: (giggles) An experiment....Goodnight GreyBear...(walks away)

I was left alone in the backyard smiling like a fool....I gently touched my lips, reminiscing the moments before she left...I began to blush hard...Maybe, she likes me...I suddenly felt my phone vibrating...I grab my phone and suddenly snaps back to reality...

Me: (slapping forehead) Crap....I totally forgot I was dating Amber...


Keith's P.O.V

I don't know why I did it...But I just did....I, Katherine Marie Anderson, kissed my bestfriend Greyson Michael Chance the second time...Okay so that's my full name, but I prefer Keith...okay back to the kissing part....I didn't know what was happening to me...But to tell you the truth, I felt something... like an explosion inside me or something...or was it something something? Ahhh stop with the something...

I grab my phone and saw a text message from Cody..That was unusual....

To: Keith

Sleep well my angel...

From: Cody

It felt all jumpy inside...I found myself smiling over nothing and I began to sweat like crazy...I know it's crazy and all but..I don't know....Oh god no...please don't...

Me: Mom....Can I go to Alli's please?

Mom: Yeah sure...just be back before bedtime...

I didn't have time to reply...I ran to the Simpson's house and knock on the door...Good thing Alli opened the door...

Alli: Keith?

Me: Alli....I need your help...

Alli looked at me seriously and grab my hand...We ran up to her room...She locked the door and she looked at me with full of confusion...

Alli: Tell me...

Me: Uh-

Alli: It's okay...No one's listening...I assure you...

Me: Okay...(sighs) Remember the time you asked me about my feelings towards Greyson and Cody?

Alli: (sits in front of me) yeah...What about it?

Me: Well...when I'm with Greyson...I always had the urge to uh-k-kiss him and hug him tight...I suddenly felt that my world was revolving around him...sometimes I began to blush like crazy and when I'm with Mike I always think of him...And when we had this fight..It's like he was the only one who can cover this huge whole in my heart...

Alli: Okay? Go on...(crosses arms)

Me: Whe I'm with Cody..I always had this jumpy feeling...I began to sweat like crazy and suddenly I just smile over at nothing....(pacing back and forth) The first time he kissed me I felt so alive and I always think about it like crazy...the way he smell, the way he dressed always wants me to check him out!! My chest began to hurt as I saw him being all lovey dovey with his girlfriend...

I sighed and sat down on her bed...I suddenly heard Alli laughing...

Me: Alli?! What the heck? I'm serious here!!

Alli: (stops laughing) Okay...Tell me...what's the main problem?

Me: (sighs) I think....I'm in love with my bestfriends...

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum