Chapter 2

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Greyson's P.O.V

I was this close in asking Keith out for dinner...Thanks a lot Cody...I don't know what just happened 10 years ago but when I first saw her,It's like everything in the world just stopped...I let her borrow my favorite teddy bear,Boo-Boo...But HE has to ruin the moment for both of us....As time passes, crushes grew to love...and yes..I'm in love with Keith Anderson....Right now she's holding my hand while running to school...I don't know why but we're not even LATE?!...It's kinda like a habit of hers....

Keith: We're here guys!!

Me: (panting) Why do we have to run?

Keith: Just think of it as an exercise (winks)

Cody: (panting) I'm exhausted...

Keith: (drags us) Let's just go inside

Keith drags us inside...I could see girls by the lockers looking at Cody and I..They started to giggle....I just flashed them my signature smile....I could see Cody did that too....We arrived at our lockers and get our books....Great..I could see Mike and his basketball team make their way to Keith...MY KEITH!! Wait she's not mine....But she will be someday :D..SshhH..I could hear their conversation...It goes like this...

Mike: Hey Keith...(smiles)

Keith: Hey Mike...(looks at his back) And the basketball team...(looks at Mike again) What's up?

Mike: I..I mean We were wondering if you could watch us play basketball after class...

Keith: (looks at us) I'm sorry Mikey...but (points at us) I got plans with those two over there...Maybe next time?

Mike: (forced a smile) Sure no problem

Mike and his friends walked away..I could see his friends patting him on the back..Poor Mike...But the less competition the better...As usual we would walk her to class...When Keith was inside the classroom..Cody said something that makes me start to wonder..

Cody: I know we both love Keith, Grey

Me: So much...

 Cody: So how about we promise something...

Me: What is it?

Cody: Whoever Keith chooses...we must not bear grudges to her or to the one she loves and support them all the way....Even if it breaks us...

Me: (stops walking) Okay...I promise...(holds out hand) Best Friends Forever right?

Cody: (smiles) (shakes hand) BestFriends...

I went to my class...I sat near the window...I began to think...Keith has to choose to one of us...I began to smile thinking...what if she chooses me....I must be the happiest guy on earth....My smile faded when I start to think..What if She chooses Cody...Oh no...Oh no...Greyson think positive...Wait I think someone's calling my name..

??: Greyson

Me: Wha-?

??: Greyson?

Me:(stands up) Mrs. Berkely

Mrs. Berkely: Answer my question, Mr.Chance

Me: Uhmm...Canada?

Mrs.Berkely: Just as I suspected...You weren't listening to my discussion....Please pay attention...And You're in Math not History...

Me: I'm sorry it won't happen again...(sits down)

I could hear the class laughing quietly but I don't mind...I'm in the Keith zone right now..Remembering the first time I saw her makes me grin like a hopeless fool...


Lisa: Greyson why don't you play with Tanner and Alexa out there....

Me: I don't wanna..

Scott: Come on kiddo ..let's play catch..It's perfect day for playing...look...(points at other children who are playing)

Me: I just wanna sit here with  Boo-Boo..

Lisa: (looks at Scott then back at me) Okay sweetie....stay here we're just gonna be with your brother and sister for a while..

Me: (squeezing Boo-Boo) Okay...

Dad and Mom walked away from the tree we were sitting and played with Tanner and Alexa...I'm not in the mood for playing right now....I just wanna sit here and-and-and-who's that? Is she an Angel? Better go and find out...I ran towards the sandbox with Boo-Boo in my hand...

Me: Hey wanna play with my teddy bear?

Angel girl: (smiles) I'd love to...

*End of Flashback*

My daydreaming was interrupted with someone...Well thanks A LOT...It was Amber a.k.a the class flirt...and Wow class is over...

Amber: (sits on my table) Sooo...Whatchadoing?

Me: You know just sitting...

Amber: Wanna hang out tonight?

Me: (looks at the door) Oh look Keith's here....See you later...

Amber: (rolls eyes) UGGHH..

I laughed at her reaction..I quickly ran out of the door..

Me: (smiles) Hey...

Keith: (smiles) Hey...How's class?

Me: Embarrassing...I just thought that I was in history...

Keith: (laughs) But you're in Math... 

Me: I know..(laughs)

Keith: (holds my hand) Come on...let's go get Cody...

Me: (blushing hard) Y-Y-Yeah sure....

Well as you can see being me is super hard right now....Especially if you love you're best friend and you're best friend is known to school for her denseness....Guys fall for her but trust me you're just wasting your time....Well that's me....See you on the next chapter guys!!! 


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