Chapter 3

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Cody's P.O.V

I'm here waiting for Keith to arrive...I wanna tell the world how much I love Keith...Asking me about what happen 10 years ago was the greatest day of my entire life...


Me: Alli...I'll catch you!! Come back here!!

Alli:'re a wittle bit swow...(laughs)

Me: (laughs) No I'm not...

Alli: Yes...

Me: (laughs) No...

Alli: Yes..

Me: (stops) N-No...

I looked at the girl who's playing in the sandbox....s-she's perfect....I just can't walk up to her...Yes I can...wait what if she doesn't like me? UGGHH Alli is right..I am slow...Look there's a boy right in front of her...Wait what?! I better hurry...I quickly took my new train and ran towards them..

Me: (panting) Hey wanna play with my toy train? My dad just bought it last week...

Perfect girl: (smiles) Wow..thanks...

*End of the Flashback*

One small problem...Greyson...We're kind of like in a competition right now for Keith's affections...But you know time passes by..You gotta learn how to love your enemy...Speaking of them...They're here...

Me: As usual...running?

Keith: (hugs me) Yup...You know you really are huggable...

Me: (blushes)(hugs back) I know...

Greyson: You know I'm hungry...Come on let's eat...

Keith: (pulls away) Count me in!!!

We buy our lunches...sat on our usual table and talk about random stuffs...Then as usual Alli came over...

Alli: Hey Keith...(sits next to Keith)

Keith: (smiles) Hey...

Alli: Summer vacation starts tomorrow...What's you're plan?

Greyson: Wait-Let me guess...Eat waffles?

Keith: Yes..(laughs) But I might wanna change that..

Me: I don't know about that but I'm much of a cereal person..

Keith: Maybe I'll try eating that...But nothings gonna change my love for waffles...(smiles)

Alli: Why don't we all go to the beach or something...

Greyson: (looks at Keith) Perfect...

Me: Uh-Yeah....

Alli: We're gonna buy a swimsuit for Keith...(looks at me)(smirks) Wanna come Cody?

Me: Uh-Uhm

Keith: should come you know...It's gotta be fun

Me: (blushing hard) Y-Yeah sure...I'll go with you...

Alli: (chuckles) Okay then It's set...

Greyson: I'll prepare the food!!

Keith: (smiles) PERFECT!! Make some waffles too 'kay...

Greyson: Yes milady...(winks)

??: Keith!!

Oh boy..You've met Mike right? Well here's Ryan...As you can see Keith's popular to guys...One teensy problem...She's dense...

Ryan: Hey Keith..

Keith: Hey Ryan (looks behind him) and friends (then back at him) What's up?

Ryan: Nothing just the sky...(smiles)

Keith: (chuckles) No really What is it?

Ryan: Well we've known since 1st grade...and I-I was wondering i-if we could be more than friends?

I was so pissed right now...I think Greyson is too...I could see his fist clench..If only I could punch Ryan in the face and tell him to leave my girl alone...Wait she's not my girl...But she will be XD

Keith: (smiles) You wanna be bestfriends right?

Ryan: (chuckles) No I mean more than that...

Keith: OMG...You wanna be Mega Bestfriends?

Ryan: (slaps his forehead) I mean...would you be my girlfriend?

Keith: But I am....I am you're friend and I'm a girl...(smiles)

Ryan: (trying to keep his cool) I think I'm gonna go get a glass of water...(leaves quickly)

I was laughing so hard with Greyson and Alli..Keith just look at us puzzled...

Keith: What's wrong?

Me: (still laughing) N-Nothing

Greyson: (still laughing) You really blew him off..

Alli: (stops laughing) Really classic Keith...I'm so proud of you girl..(pats Keith's shoulder)

Me: Yeah...

Alli: How come you're so close to these two anyway? (points at us)

Greyson: Cause were special..

Me: And Hot..

Alli: Really?

Keith: (laughs) It's because these are my boyfriends..(laughs) (hold our hands) right?

Greyson: (blushing hard) Y-Yeah...

Me: (blushing extremely hard) Uhuh...

Keith: Hey are you two okay? Are you sick?

Alli: Don't worry about them they're just lo-

Me and Greyson: SHUT UP ALLI!!

Keith: (laughs) I sometimes don't understand the both of you...

Alli: You know what neither do I...Come on Lunch is over..

Keith: Let's go guys..

Me:(still blushing) You know what we'll catch up to you later...

Greyson: (still blushing) Y-Yeah...what he says...

Keith: Okay..Bye guys (waves)

Me and Greyson: (smiles) Bye...

When Keith was nowhere in sight we began acting strange...

Greyson: (blushing) (laughs)

Me: (blushing) (starts laughing too)

Greyson: Hey about the thing that you said earlier....

Me: What about it?

Greyson: I'm not gonna lose her to you..

Me: Neither do I....

Greyson: (smiles) It's a contest then

Me: (holds out fist) May the best man win

Greyson: (bumps fist) Yeah...

Me: Hey we gotta get to class...

Greyson: Right...Come On...

Well That's me....I know I'm kinda slow at these things...But you know, first love...I know I'm slow but I'm just trying to find the right time and place to tell these feelings to her...I'm not gonna lose to Greyson...You know that..Well that's it guys...see you on the next chapter...


I'm having fun writing this...especially when I have to think of what will Keith say...But All I know is she's super dense...

Have fun reading it XD

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now