Chapter 1

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I was playing on the sandbox with my toys. When suddenly some brown haired kid came to me,running...

Brown hair kid: Hey wanna play with my teddy bear?

Me: (smiles) I love to.

I was going to take the teddy bear from his hands when a blond kid started running towards us.

Blond hair kid: (panting) Hey wanna play with my toy train? My dad just bought it last week.

Me: (smiles) Wow...Thanks

The two boys exchanged glares..I just looked at them,puzzled..

Me: (standing) Hey how about we all play them together....

Brown hair kid: Sure 

Blond hair kid: I'd love that

Me: (hold both their hands) Well Come on!!! 

I looked at their faces...It was funny cause it was the same color as a beet and I don't know why but who cares anyway...The two boys suddenly screamed my name...


??: Keith

Me: Huh?(rolls over)


Me: (opens eyes) Wha-?

Mom: Morning sweetie...(opens curtains)  Time for school..(smiles)..Get up..

Me: (goes back to sleep) I don't wanna...

Mom: Come on Keith...

Me: (snores lightly)

Mom: There's waffles on th-

Me: (quickly stand up) Okay I'm up...(ran out of the room) 

Mom: (chuckles) Kids these days...

Hey I'm Keith Anderson and I'm 14 years old...As you can see I love Waffles...seriously...These are the only things that can make my problems go bye-bye...I can't live without waffles..I mean they're my life!! Okay enough about waffles...The lady who just woke me up is my Mom...We are the only one's in the house since Mom and Dad got a divorce..I got a little brother but he's staying at my Dad's house in California...We only see each other on vacation....I usually hate introductions so....Imma eat my waffles now :D

Me: (eating) If only I can marry you (looks at waffles)

Mom: I don't want my son-in-law to be a waffle...

Me: I was just kidding Mom...sheesh...

Mom: Just go and change or you'll be late...

Me: Can't I just have one more plate?

Mom: No...Now go and change...

Me: Okay...Alright already..(standing up)

After 10 minutes of changing and washing, I quickly grab my lunch money and ran outside...

Me: BYE MOM!!!

I started to walk...step..step..step..step..I think someone's following me...I turned around and saw a brown hair boy...Yup...His name is Greyson Chance...He has a teddy bear named Boo-Boo...You can see it in his room...He said it was his important treasure...

Me: Really Greyson? 

Greyson: Why? Can't I follow a pretty girl like a lost puppy?

Me: Stalker much?

Greyson: You're mean..(playfully punches my shoulder)

Me: No I'm not...I can never be mean to you...

Greyson: (blushes) Hey I was wonderi-

Then it became dark...Hey who turn off the lights? I could feel hands cover my eyes...I took it off and looked around and saw a blond hair boy...definitely Cody Simpson...He has a train collection in his room..He said it brings back good times...

Me: Cody!! (hugs him) How's my teddy bear?

Cody: (hugs back) Huggable as ever..

Greyson: Hey what about me?

Me: (pulls away) Come here Grey bear...(hugs him)

Greyson: (hugs back) That's more like it

Cody: We should be-uh- going...You

Me: (pulls away) Oh Yeah...forgot about that...(holds both their hands) Come on Let's go....(smiles)

As usual the two of them are like beets...I really don't know why? Can someone please tell me what's going on? But anyway....They're my best friends...and I don't wanna ruin our relationship...Well we gotta go see you in the next chapter!!


New Story guys....Have fun reading it XD

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