Chapter Nine

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"Mom whats going on?" I heard Drew call out from the stairs looking at us in the living room.

My tear streaked face must have told him I know the truth and I saw his heart break.

For the second time.

But the difference is this time  heart broke for me.

I ran up to him to hold him. I will be there for him. Last time I was a coward to hide when he needed me.

"I am sorry Drew! Please give me a chance to love you like you deserve. Don't push me away from you again. I want to stay please Drew", I begged him while hugging him.

For  a second I felt him trying to hug me and the next he went limp in my hands and I almost fell off the  stairs. I held  the railing just in time and called out for Mrs.Garfield in panic. She rushed to help and shouted for the housekeeper to call for an ambulance.

Everything was happening too fast. One moment I was hugging him and begging him to give me another chance and the next he is being rushed into an ambulance and medics checking his vitals and hooking him  on IVs!

All this while I stayed dumb without knowing what to do.

"Emma come we need to go to hospital with him", I heard Mrs.Garfield called out for me which broke me of my trance and I hurried towards her.

I followed her to the car and got on the passengers side. She took to the wheels and drove behind the ambulance.

She is a strong women. I can't imagine knowing that my only son have only a few days to live and not knowing when it will be the last time she will see him smile or talk. I have to be strong too. For her, for Drew. My Drew.

We are waiting in the hospital waiting area for any news of Drew. Its being an hour since we came here . The only update we got was that he was rushed to have a MRI scan done. We are waiting for the reports and to see him now.

His Dad also has joined us in the waiting area after sometime we came to the hospital. He came directly from office.

After another hour of waiting, the doctor came to brief us about Drew.

"Doctor, how is he now?" Asked Mr.Garfield.

"He is stable for now. But the MRI scan shows that the tumor has spread more into his brain. I am afraid that the radiation isn't helping to slow it down now. Its just a matter of time now. Be strong for him", The doctor patted Mr.Garfield's back in a sympathetic manner and left.

"Just a matter of time", it kept repeating in my head like a mantra.

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