Chapter Eight

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Emma's Pov:

I saw them coming out of the cafe' which was just around the corner from the club. He seems relaxed walking hand in hand with that girl with a small smile on his face.

Just when he was about to get in his car I called out for him.

"Drew wait! Can I talk to you for minute?" I asked as I walked up to him. He looked at the girl he came with as if to ask her permission and she in return nodded her head and went inside his car.

"Hi Drew! How are you?" I asked him and he smiled a little at my question. I know its a stupid way to start a conversation with your ex boyfriend whose heart you broke mercilessly.

"As good as I can be" he tried to smile but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"What about you Em?"

"I am sorry Drew!"

"Why are you sorry for?"

"For us! I shouldn't have let that happened to us. We were happy. I was happy with you. You loved me with all your heart and I was too stupid to see that and appreciate what I had. I didn't realize your worth when i had you. I miss you Drew. I miss us. I miss the little things you did for me. I miss your cute dimples when smile and how your eyes shine with love when you see me after a long day of work. I love you! I really do Love you Drew."

It was like I was having Word vomit and everything came flowing out of me. I didn't realize I was crying until he started brushing away the tears from his hands! He looked pained. It felt like it was killing him to see me like this. It gave me hope. Hope that he might still have feelings for me and might give us a chance.

"I love you Em. Always have and always will." , he said lifting my face to meet his gaze. His eyes full of love and shone in the dark with the unleashed tears. Warmth fill me in. It felt like I was given another life. I tried to kiss him but he looked up at the same time like he was asking for strength.

"Whats wrong?", I asked

"It's too late Em"

"Oh okay. We can go to your place or you can come to our place after dropping her off?", I added after seeing the girl he came with in the car staring at us with curiosity. Who is this girl anyway.

"No Em, you don't understand. We can't happen again. I am sorry. But I have to go", He started to walk towards the car and I held his hand.

" But you just said you love me, Why can't we be together again? Is she the reason? You can talk to her tonight and end things with her."

"I do Em. God knows I love you with all my heart. But..", He drifted off.

"But what?", I shouted. I hate that I shouted at him.

He released my hold from his hand, turned around and walk away leaving me dumbfounded.

He stopped halfway to the car and looked directly at me. His eyes full of sadness and regrets.

" It's too late to love me Em. Too late", He rushed back to his car and raced his car down the road leaving me alone and hollow. It felt like someone punched a hole right through me. Is this how Drew felt when he heard me talk to Sasha. Is this what a heartbreak feels like. He said he loved me. Then why can't he be with me? Did he see no future with me? Can he not handle my mood swing? I know I treated him like trash but I am not gonna repeat it again. I have to talk to him. I need to.

~ Next Day~

I am standing in front of Drew's parents house! Or should I call it a mansion. Drew told me he is gonna stay with them when he left.

I rang the door bell and waited anxiously for the door to open. I don't know what he told his parents about our break up. I would be lucky if she would even let me in.

The door opened and it was their housekeeper.

"Madame?", he asked looking at me in disdain.

If this is the reaction of their housekeeper I dont know how his parents will react. They hate me for sure.

"Urm. I came to meet Drew?" I smiled at him trying to ease the tension I was feeling .

"Is he expecting you?", he asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"No. I Just need to talk to him",

At the same time I heard a car stop infront of the door. I turned around to look who it is.

Mrs.Garfield got out of the car. She is a beautiful women in her 50s. As her eyes landed on me the smile on her face disappears. She furrowed her eyebrows and came up the stairs and stopped right next to me.

"What brings you here Emma?" She asked icily.

"I wanted to talk to Drew", I replied.

"About?", she asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

"I want to give us another chance! I love him" , I said looking directly at her.

"If you have loved him, you wouldn't leave him when he most wanted someone to care for him and love him. "

"I want to now. I just want him to give me one more chance to prove myself",

"Dont you think its a little bit too late for it?"

"Drew even told me the same thing last night! Why is it too late now? What happened?"

"You don't know?"

Don't know what exactly? Im so confused and I think my confusion was written all over my face and Mrs.Garfield realised something and she gasps.

"Drew didn't tell you? Is he the one who broke up with you?" , she asked. In return I nodded my head because he did broke up with me for whatever be the reason.

"Oh darling! Andrew Didn't tell us about how things ended with you both. We just assumed you broke up with him when you learnt about his condition"

More confused than ever now I asked " what condition?" .

"I'm sorry that I have to be the one to break this to you but Andrew. He have few months of his life to live.". Mrs.Garfield said.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"He has brain tumour Ema."

I stood there expecting her to laugh at her stupid joke. Is this her idea of torturing me for breaking her sons heart? Is this a sick joke. She patted my back and guided me inside.

How do one react if they get to know that the person they love is going to die. That he only have few months to live. That they will never get to kiss that person good night or hold his hand. They will never be loved by him or he wouldn't be there to care for them. How does one live knowing all this.

My mind was reeling back to the times when Drew loved me with his whole being. Without asking for anything back he showered me with love all the while I ignored all that. Didn't appreciate what I had. I should have cherished all the moments with him. Now he wont even let me love him in his last days.

This is what I get for being an ungrateful bitch. Karma is a bitch. Drew was right I was too late to love him. Too late.

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