Chapter One

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Hi my name is Andrew. I graduated college last year and I live with my gorgeous girlfriend Emma. We have being together for almost 3years now.

She took my breath away when I first saw her. For me it was love at first sight.

She looked beautiful with her short blonde hair and green eyes and her small petite frame gave her a cute look.

I don't know why, but she chosed to be with me. I am not complaining though. We were paired for an assignment and we just hit it off. She didn't care that I was a loner and an introvert. She kept on babbling about life and other things. I just kept nodding and asked more questions which kept the conversation flowing.

After we submitted the assignment I asked her out after mastering all of my courage and she said yes. We have being together since then and things are running smoothly between us. I think!

"Babe! I'm going out with Sasha and the girls, will be late" Emma told me and kissed my cheeks before going out of the door closing it shut.

Sasha and the girls as in Rhea, Lizzy and Shelly. They all met each other after Emma started an internship in one of the cooperate office here in Southampton. I can't say I like those girls. They doesn't look like good influence on Emma. I told her my opinion about them and we had a fight. I don't like fighting with Em. I can tolerate her friends if that's what she wants. I love her too much to fight over temporary people in her life.

You might be wondering what I am doing sitting inside the room on a Saturday night. I'm working. Being a software developer, I'm always on my laptop.

I am working in my dads firm which develops softwares and manages them. I am learning my way around until he retires and after that I will be managing the office.

I usually work from home, being a developer sure has it's perks.

Anyway, I don't drink or party, my social awkwardness kicks right in when I am with a crowd of people. Emma don't like when I don't hangout with her friends or go with her to clubs but she is understanding and never pressured me to go.

She did once, to a college party and I ruined it for her. Don't ask me how because I don't even remember. Yeah I got drunk. After that day I swore off alcohol.

It is past midnight now. Emma is still not home. I will Wait for her till she comes back. I decided to send a text asking when she will be back but the reply never came. I put my laptop away and settled on the couch watching my favorite big bang theory.

I might have fallen asleep sometime into the series because I woke up to the door opening. Em was trying to kick off the shoes she was wearing but her hand didn't cordinate with her mind.

I got up from the couch and went to help her. I crouched down and pulled the strapes on the shoes and help her out of it. Afterwards She started walking towards the kitchen stumbling all the way. I shook my head and followed her.

I pour water into a glass and gave it to her. She snatched it away and drank it. This is a normal thing for us. She would come drunk and I would take care of her without any questions and she will treat me like shit. But that's just alcohol. I know she loves me even though she don't show it much.

I carried her to our bedroom and laid her down. By the time I finished changing her clothes she was fast asleep. She look like an Angel while she sleeps.

-the next day-

I woke up before her like always due to my morning headache. This happens every day. I wake up every morning from severe headache which only goes away after I vomit. Yeah I haven't gone to a doctor because I know I have a problem and I don't want to confirm it. I'm scared. I went to make breakfast for us. Usually I do all the cooking. Mostly breakfast. I always make sure to get the breakfast done when she wakes up.

Breakfast usually consists of pancakes, scrambled eggs and some times bacon served with coffee.

She loves my pancakes. I made breakfast and set the table and went to see if she is already up. She was sleeping. It's already 11am. I think I should wake her up. She must be starved.

"Em wake up! I made your favorite breakfast." I nudged her and she groaned and pushed my hands away.

"Love please wake up"

"No, go away" she groaned. I sighed and left her to sleep for another half an hour.

I was sitting on the couch working on a software I'm developing when Em walked in after 15mins.

"Good morning babe" I greeted her. Even with hangover she looked beautiful. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair blonde hair is sticking out in every direction. But she is perfect to me.

"Morning" she grunted.

I went over to make her coffee with lime juice. This is her usual for hangover Sunday.

She ate quietly because she don't like talking when she is hungover.

After having breakfast, she went and laid down in the couch in front of the TV. I laid beside her and held her. Want to use most of my time with her.

"I don't feel comfortable like this" she told. I frowned because we used to do this a lot when we started dating. May be it's because of her hangover. Before I always leave her alone to watch TV while I work on my laptop.

"I just want to hold you" I whispered.

"I don't want to be held right now. Leave me alone" she shouted and sat upright on the sofa. She looked a little pale afterwards.

"Are you okay babe?" She just shooked her head and threw up all the breakfast on me and she rested her head against the arm rest.

I got myself cleaned and took a sponge to clean up Em. She was closing her eyes and I rubbed the wet sponge on her face slowly and she jerked awake.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning you up" I told her.

"No , leave me alone Drew. I can clean up myself" with that she marched to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

She is not this moody all the time I swear. Its just on the weekends. It's different that we don't see each other much on the weekday due to our schedule. We have take out for dinner and that's the only time we talk and if we both are in the mood to get intimate we go for it if not we just sleep.

-A month later-

My condition got worse and I finally decided to show a doctor. I can't look into the laptop for too long before the headache kicks in. And vision gets blurry and sometimes I feel like a pregnant women. Having morning sickness and nausea. I don't think Em noticed this yet. I don't blame her. She is too busy with a new project.

After running numerous number of tests and scans I was finally sitting in the doctors office waiting for his answer.

It's a Sunday and this is one of the first time I won't have breakfast for Em when she wakes from a hangover. Last night she came home drunk and I took care of her like usual. But woke up late for my doctors appointment and I couldn't leave her a message in the Hurry. I bet she is worried about me.

"Mr.Andrew Garfield, I'm sorry to inform you but you have brain tumor which has developed into cancer." He paused for a second before continuing.

"You will have to get admitted as soon as possible so we can start your treatment. We can try for radiotherapy and chemo, But we can't remove the tumor as it has already spread into most part of your brain. The treatment will delay the spreading further. Nothing more can be done. I'm sorry"

My first thought when he said all that was wow this doctor is blunt. He just indirectly told me that I have only a handful of days to live.

I am only 23 years for fuck sake. Excuse me for cursing but I'm fucking dying. I don't want to die, I don't want to leave em alone, and what about my parents. My dad will be devastated. He is counting on me to run the company when he retires. I am their only child. I can't die. No!

The next thing I know my vision got blurry and darkness took over my vission.

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