My Smile is Anything But Sweet

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Heartless, and selfish, would be the words used to describe my personality,

I'm cold, and harsh, for me to care and love, seems like an impossibility.

Broken and shattered in the past, has let me to become emotionless,

it seems i've left my humanity at last, but i don't seem to care any less.

I used to be cheerful and joyous once upon a time,

now i'm mean and sour like an under-developed lime.

I had left my heart fully open for just an instant, and it was cruelly under attacked,

it's current state is almost non-existent and it has the coverage that once lacked.

When you look into my black eyes, all you see is a dark hollow emptiness inside,

there was a time when they were filled with so many flowing emotions, that now seem to hide.

My smile is anything but sweet, it's filled with malice and greed,

people see me and they fleet, they say things like i am the devil's seed.

Their rumors, and whispers are nothing to me,

for i will avenge the pain that was once inflicted, soon they will see.

Their world will soon crumble right before their eyes,

and i'll be the one bringing it to an end, for i am colder than ice.

No mercy shall come to those who killed that joyous and happy girl that once existed,

their screams and blood i crave, and my vision has turn to red, for my inner demon has been resurrected.

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