They would protect each other and their team. Their bond wasn't as strong as lee's or gaara's but it was still a strong bond.

"Chidori..... I'm sorry" she heard Sasuke's voice lingered in the dark void she was in.

"Sasuke?" She mumbled as she struggled to look for the boy.

"Chidori?" The voice changed into a higher voice. "Chidori..... Wake up" said a very concerned voice

"Chidori chan! Way up!" Yelled a higher voice. "Naruto! Don't yell at her!" Said a fatherly voice.

She didn't want to open her eyes knowing her father might scold her for staying so late at night that she even talked and kissed sa-

Wait! Sasuke!

She opened her eyes and yelled "sasuke!" As she sat up right.

"Chidori! You're awake!.... Why were you sleeping here?!" Lee asked giving her a hug.

"That is also my question......" Said her dear father. "She looked up at him and gave him a sad look. Kakashi didn't really understood that look till he noticed a red mark on her neck.... Like someone hit her.

'She spoke to sasuke' he thought. He gave her a weak smile and helped her up. "Don't worry...... I'll try my best to bring him back" Kakashi whispered.

Lee pov.

. "Don't worry...... I'll try my best to bring him back" Kakashi Sensei whispered. 

She cares about sasuke? Why? Yes he's her team mate but..... I want her to be mine only...

She looked so sad. So depressed. She doesn't look well... why is it so hard to have her?

First Gaara now Sasuke? Who else is going to be my rival? Neji?

Rrrr! Who ever will be my Rival I will do it! I will go through it! I will win!


Chidori stood by her room as she hummed out a song, flipping through an adventure story book. Kakashi was downstairs reading his favorite perverted series, which Chidori was ready to spoil to her father one of these days.

A knock on the door interrupted his reading. Lee stood there with hopeful eyes. Kakashi, who had once made lee jeep his distance from his daughter had let the boy in and told him that his daughter was upstairs, probably reading something as well.

As much as Kakashi was hurt by what had happened to her in the chunin exams, he could not blame Lee as it was Chidori who did switch places and that he had to get use to it.

Chidori was not a normal shinobi and he knew more challenges awaits her.

Lee was her 'friend' and he couldn't or at least didn't have the heart to tell her to avoid the boy as she had grown fond of him.

Lee politely thanked Kakashi and walked up to Chidori's room. He quietly knocked and was quickly answered by girl he expected.

She smiled lightly as her and entered her room, in which he went straight to the point.

"Chidori, would you... like to be with me?" He quickly as the girl looked surprised. "I mean... do you like me?... cause I like like you."

She looked even more shocked at what he added as her masked face still showed redness.

She then looked down with disappointment. "What about Sakura?" 

Lee gave a low chuckle. "I only liked her because of her wide forehead, they could fit these bushy brown of mine."  He joked but it seemed that the white haired wolf took it as an insult to a friend.

A sting on pain went across the boy's face and looked at her wide eyed.

"You do not insult Sakura like that! Do not insult anyone because of their looks!" She snarled. "If you are only into the looks and not the personality then leave! I don't like people like that!"

Rock lee brought his hands up and gave her a tight hug. "Easy! I was just joking!" He exclaimed and looked at her rather pissed expression. "I just wanted to make you laugh or something... but it seems that I am failing at it. I'm sorry if i offended you."

Chidori rolled her eyes yet stayed quiet, a signal for him to keep talking.

"I just came here to tell you that I am willing to wait... wait until you are old enough or ready enough for us to become... something." He said softly as he gently pulled down her mask and fluttered his eyes closed, pressing his lips to her soft ones. "I promise to wait until you are ready."

It was not long, it was rather quick as Lee took in her innocent looking features. He smiled softly at her.

Chidori gave a giggle and pointed to something behind him. " I think you should have asked the judge first." Lee turned to look at the pissed off father who tapped his foot and crossed hus arms.

"You dare to kiss my daughter in my house?" Kakashi questioned in a low and terrifying voice. Lee gulped and gave a sheepish smile. "Do you know what happens to boys who court my daughter without my approval?"

Lee glanced at the open window before turning to look at the enraged father. "I don't think I want to know!" He sprinted and jumped put of the window, leaving the Hatakes.

"You just had to scare him off, didn't you?"

"Just wanted to make sure whose daughter he was dealing with." Kakashi chuckled then turned to go back down stairs.

Chudori giggled as first but as her father left her room, her face heated up at the thought of the kiss from senpai. She placed her hands in her rapidly beating heart.

"A promise is a promise... and I will wait too."

Kakashi's Little Wolf  [Kakashi's Daughter ]Where stories live. Discover now