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Treat You Better;

Camila watched as Lucas typed something into his phone for the umpteenth time in the past fifteen minutes. It was obvious he was texting someone and the burning question never left Camila's mind, or left her mouth.

She tries to ignore the awful feeling in her stomach and closes her eyes.

She's almost positive Lucas isn't cheating on her, but then again the boy has been acting different lately. However, whenever Camila would ask him about it, his answer would be the same; the whole graduation and college thing is stressing me out, don't worry about it babe.

The bell rings and Camila drags herself to her next class, trying to think about something else.

"Excuse me? It this seat taken?"

"Nope." Camila replies without looking up

"Mind if I sit down then?"


"You're not much of a talker, are you?"

"I'm sorry, I am just thinking about something."

"That guy you were staring at during lunch?"

Camila turns around to face the unknown girl.

"Kind of yeah. It's a long story."

"Well, I'm Lauren and if you ever want to share a long story I am willing to listen."

"I might take you up on that offer Lauren. Are you new around?"

"Moved to Miami last week."

"Where are you from?"

"Around." Lauren winks and opens her notebook

Lauren's a mystery and Camila loves mysteries. Maybe that's why Camila spends her free time talking to Lauren almost every day after that.

Lauren's funny and Lauren's smart and she makes Camila laugh when Lucas makes her sad.

And sure, maybe Camila doesn't notice how Lauren smiles whenever she sees her or how Lauren's smile disappears as soon Lucas comes near them, but it doesn't mean she didn't notice how Lauren only put down the walls for her, how she's the only one who gets to know what Lauren is feeling or the only one who is special enough to find out things from Lauren's past, although truth be told, those moments are rare.

Or how she's the only one who actually went to Lauren's apartment that she shares with her mom which Camila actually never met.

And maybe that's why Camila finds herself telling all her relationship problems to Lauren, because everyone else is sick of it and Lauren is always here.

"I promise I won't let you down." Lauren says one night after Camila cries her eyes out because she had yet another fight with Lucas.

Camila only nods and nuzzles her head in the crook of Lauren's neck.

"Camz? I have to tell you something. We are friends so I'm not gonna lie to you, but he's not right for you. You can tell me if I'm wrong but I can see it on your face when you say he's the one for you. Any girl like you deserves a gentleman. You shouldn't be crying all those tears for him." Lauren says after what feels like forever.

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