"Yes miss Adams," the pupils mumbled as an answer, and she smiled sweetly towards me before she looked out over the class again to look after a pupil who would be the one who would take care about me and teach me where the classes were and so on.

Her eyes stopped at a girl with tanned skin and dark curly hair, a girl which adults would call cute, or really adorable with her big brown eyes, she had a pink skirt, white shirt and a light, a little bit thicker sweater over, "miss Bernard, you and miss Rodgers have a free bed in your room right?" miss Adams asked and she nodded shyly, "good, then I leave miss Butler in your hands," she said and shoved me carefully towards her.

I slowly walked over to her and noticed that ur clothes had our similarities, I had my yellow shorts and a white-and yellow striped tank-top, and my hair pulled up in a uncomfortable ponytail. Totally opposite to my ordinary style which consisted of my lovely jeans, a t-shirt with a print, and my beloved leather jacket from gucci, yes I am away that i were nearly ten years old but oh, so spoiled.

When I reached the table she sat on she gave me a smile and extended her hand for me to take, "hi, me names Layla, but you can call me Lay," she said and reached a little closer to me when I looked sceptically at her, "but I prefer Lay 'cause 'Layla' sounds so fucking posh," she whispered with a giggle.

I smirked, she didn't actually sounded so bad, "Cynthia, but please call me Cyndie," I said and took her hand.

[10:44 Present time]

The principle stopped so abruptly I almost ran into his back, he opened the classroom he had stopped by, which was some confusing letter and number combination I probably would forget, gave me my papers and schedule in the form of a book before he shoved me in and the door closed behind me with a loud bang, "Cynthia Butler, welcome!" said the teacher who was in his late twenties and looked like a pretty chill one, lovely, a good start at least. I nodded towards him and smiled a stiff and half-hearted smile, "You can sit by Madison in the back," he said and nodded towards a blonde girl with curly hair who sat by the window.

I fixed my shirt before I quickly walked down to her and people, mostly girls, whispered and looked at me like i was some sort of circus animal, it felt uncomfortable, when I reached her she extended her hand for me to take and I could feel the deja-vu, "Maddy," she said and gave me a winning smile.

I smiled back, "Cyndie," I said and shook her hand.

"You don't mind their staring right? Gosh they're so rude sometimes!" she said and snorted towards the girls who still stared at me.

I chuckled, "Nah, but thank you," I said, and lied a little bit. I did mind that they were staring but I wasn't going to let them know that.

The class soon started after that, and we had history, the french revolution, luckily we had done this back in London so this would be easy. And because I could so much I earned jealous stares from the girls and impressed from Madison and some of the boys, even the teacher complimented me, "wow, looks like we have a history fanatic with us today!" he said amused.

I chuckled low, "Nah, we just went through this last year," I said with a smirk, and because of my posh accent I earned even more stares. He looked a little startled before he continued with his lesson.

Madison nudged me, "good job Cyndie," she said and extended her fist towards me.

I fist-bumped her, "thank you Maddy," I said and we giggled low.

When the lesson finally was over I walked after Madison who told me where basically everything were, I am sure the principle told me that but I wasn't particularly present at that time, and she showed me my locker. Which were pretty close to hers, luckily.

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