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C y n t h i a ' s p o v ;

I had to jog to keep up with the principle who walked with big steps trough the corridor and rattled about my schedule, where the classrooms and the cafeteria were. He also mentioned something about Stratford Warriors, the schools biggest pride.

However, I didn't listen to that so much because I mostly looked around me, and sometimes I gazed through some of the classroom windows to see if Ryan sat in some of them and could give me some mental strength, to my misfortune he wasn't even in one of them, however it was always students who looked curiously at me.

[6 years earlier]

I walked as slowly as I could to extend the time even if the vice principle walked behind me and basically pushed me forward, which made me walk in a normal rate.

To move from my father was bad enough, now he even makes me go to a boarding school too, "Cynthia, come on now, your father told you to cooperate," she said with a slightly annoyed tone.

I snorted irritated, "but I don't want to," I said with an attitude.

"Come on, it'll be just fine!" she claimed and I just rolled my eyes at her out of irritation, and because she walked behind me she couldn't see what I did, which I was extremely thankful for because she would probably try to lecture me.

I moved a lot so I was used to the changes, but 'cause of dads work I was home schooled, I know what y'all are thinking. 'Home schooled kids are freaks', but it isn't really as bad as it sounds, I meet new people at every place, or country that we're in.

When we lived in Milano a year I became best friends with the neighbours kid, he was a year older than me but we became really good friends. He was the only one that I still had contact with, or well had.

I had lived basically over the whole world and last year when I turned nine I got a world map where you could scrape off each country, a little bit like a scratch lotto, in every country we've lived or been in.

So far, it's been about 20 countries I have scratched off, and before I've finished highschool I wanted to at least have visited France, the Maldives and went back to Spain again.

The principle opened classroom G337, I became incredibly confused of the numbering of the classrooms, is there even 337 classrooms on this school? what does the G stand for? I couldn't think about more before he shoved me in and 40 curious eyes turned towards me, I turned my head towards the principle who carefully shoved me towards the schoolmistress who looked expectantly at me.

I slowly walked towards her and it was so quiet in the classroom and if you would've dropped a pin at the back of the room, the sound would've made someone deaf. "Everyone, this is Cynthia Devero-" she started,

I cleared my throat, "Butler," The schoolmistress looked surprised at me when I had interrupted her, "It's Butler, Not Deveroux," I finished bluntly.

She smiled apologetically at me, "my apologies miss Butler. Now, this is her first time in a boarding school-" could she NOT have said that? Now they would think I was some sort of freak or something and they would've probably been to these kind of schools their whole lives, "and I'm expecting that each and everyone of you will welcome her with respect!" she said and nodded sternly.

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