part one

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People called it tragic. Everyone said it was just someone gone crazy. And that was tragic. But it wasn't tragic. It was horrible. Something way worse than tragic. Everyone's lying to me. Everyone.
​I was on a field trip when it happened. It was a field trip to a shooting range. Who brings a class to a shooting range? Mr. Crue, my teacher, had lead us to where men were shooting targets. With actual bullets! Who let's children go into a shooting range with an actual loaded gun?
​There was only a supposedly "bullet proof" glass dividing us. Our tour guide, Jacob Blue, was explaining something when one of the guys turned his gun toward his partner. And he shot. Immediately we all started running. Mr. Crue, was leading us down hallways to our bus.
​I heard the gun shots behind me. I kept running. I never stopped. I remember turning my head and seeing the man. Behind us. Behind me. In this narrow hallway.
​Then someone had tripped. I remember slowing down. Meeting Michael Smith's eye. Michael was a guy with hair gelled back and dark blue eyes. I started to reach out my hand. But then the man held up his gun. So, I turned back around and ran out the door. Everyone tells me it wasn't my fault. But it was. I could've stopped. I could've helped him. But I didn't.
​Now here I sat on my desk chair staring at the picture from my senior class. The field trip had only been last week. I'd cried the whole week. Michael had been alive in this picture. He was smiling at me from this picture. But he couldn't do that now. I'd let him die.
​"I'm sorry," I whispered to the picture. My tear fell on Michaels' face. Then the door to my room opened. I slid the picture under a book under my desk and wiped my eyes. "Hey," the person said. I turned around. "Oh hey, Kendall," I smiled at my best friend. Kendall was beautiful. She had bright green eyes and brown hair that was cut off midway down her back.
​She tilted her head looking toward the book. "Shirley, you need to stop blaming yourself," Kendall muttered. "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking. Kendall pulled out the picture from under the book, "Don't act stupid."
​"I can't get over it, Ken...I could've helped him," I murmured. Kendall shook her head. "You could have died if you did." "And what? My life meant more than Michael's?" I snapped. Kendall didn't say anything. "He had a family, he had a life," I whispered.
"So do you! Shirley, you have a family, you have Shawn...did you forget your seven year old brother?" Kendall shouted. She lowered her voice, "You have me." I stayed quiet now. "I get it, it's going to haunt you, but everything happens for a reason," she explained. She was right. "Sorry," I murmured.
Kendall sat at the edge of my bed, "You can sit here crying about that or you can get up and continue your life.  Help people, Shirley, be a hero." I looked up at her, speechless. "I can't be a hero, I let Michael die," I whispered. "But you feel hella guilty about it, that's a hero...c'mon I believe in you," she winked. I smiled, "Thanks." She smiled back, "Anytime."
​Later that night my mom, my dad, Shawn, and I went out to dinner at Benihanas. When we got there it was packed. My dad walked up to the counter. "Hi ma'am we have a reservation for 8:30," he said. The lady looked down at her computer. "Sir, it's 8:33," she murmured. Dad set his jaw, "Yeah, there was no parking, can you please just take us to our table?"
​"I'm sorry, sir your reservation has been given up," the lady explained. My dad's hands curled into fists. My mom touched his shoulder lightly, "C'mon honey, we'll go eat at Five Guys across the street." After a few seconds my dad finally turned around and we walked outside.
​It was dark as I waited with Shawn for the cars to stop so we could cross. When the cars finally stopped and Shawn and I started to cross, I heard my mom scream. I immediately whirled around. Mom was kneeling next to Dad who was on the floor, blood staining his shirt. "Oh my God," I ran over to them.
​Shawn started crying. "Dad," I whispered, tears running down my cheeks. A crowd started to form but I didn't care. My dad's eyes were still open. Shawn was crying into my mom's shoulder, his blue eyes filled with tears. And when I looked up I saw a guy in a navy blue suit running away. With my dad's wallet in his hand.
​I wanted to go after him, but I couldn't make myself stand. I couldn't move my eyes from the knife in my dad's chest. The handle had a name. When I leaned closer to inspect it my heart stopped. Michael Smith.
​After a while of mourning and a lot of phone calls, I lay in bed staring at my ceiling. Shawn was laying on my stomach and I was twirling his auburn hair between my fingers. I shivered as another one of his cold tears touched my arm. "Please tell me this is all a bad dream," Shawn begged. Tears filled my eyes, "I can't, I'm sorry." Shawn sobbed again, burying his head into my neck.
​I patted down his hair, "It'll all be okay, Shawn." "No, Shirley not with Daddy's killer out there," Shawn cried. I stayed quiet. I was twirling the knife in my hand. The words seemed duller now. Michael Smith. I had tried to wash Dad's blood off but I couldn't. It was still there.
​After a few moments of silence Shawn's breath evened as he finally drifted off. All I could hear were Mom's sobs. Anger rushed through me. How could Michael do this? How was he even alive?
​My hands curled into fist and I looked at the knife again. Be a hero. Be a hero. Kendall's words ran through my head over and over. I was not going to let Michael go that easily. Justice. That's what I needed.
​I moved Shawn off me and got up. My phoenix hoodie was lying on my hamper. All heroes have a symbol. I grabbed the hoodie and snuck out the window. And Michael's knife was in my right hand.
​I parked my car on the side of a building. It had taken me about an hour to get downtown. As soon as I started to walk down an alley someone went after me. They didn't run to me immediately. Slick. I listened to the footsteps as the man fell into step with me. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.
​I'd taken some karate classes when I was younger and my mom had bought me a punching ball for my room when I got to black belt. I knew how to fight. I pulled up the hood of my jacket and took two more steps. Then I turned around and moved my foot so he tripped. He grumbled as he fell and hit the floor.
​But as I went to hold the guy down I realized I didn't have anything to hold him down with. So he tripped me. I stumbled but didn't fall. And unable to continue fighting I ran off. The guy didn't follow.
​The next day at school reality came back to me. My father was dead. Michael was after me. And I had no way to be a hero. I had to go find something after school. Make a better suit. Have a symbol.
​I would have to become a—"Vigilante" someone said finishing my thoughts. I turned to face Kendall, "What?" "There's a new suited vigilante," Kendall explained, pulling out her phone. I looked at it. And as much as I thought it would be me, it wasn't me.
​"Ken, this isn't a vigilante...he's a murderer," I whispered, backing away from the phone. In the picture, was the man in the navy blue suit that I'd seen running away from my dad's motionless body yesterday. He had a red mask. Michael Smith.
​"What are you talking about?" Kendall asked. "He killed my father," I whispered. "Killed? Shirley, your dad was perfectly fine yesterday afternoon," Kendall exclaimed.
"I would've called you when it happened but there was too much and I forgot," I explained. My throat was tight with the urge to cry but I held back. "No, Shirley he was just alive that can't be true," Kendall murmured, her eyes starting to fill with tears. "It's true, Ken I'm sorry...and that man killed him...that man is Michael Smith."
​"Michael? Shirley, he died," Kendall exclaimed. I pulled her aside, "He's back." "How? How do you know?" Kendall asked. I pulled the knife from my back pocket. Kendall examined the name. "What are you going to do?" she asked. I didn't say anything. "How about you come over tonight?" she suggested.
​I shook my head, "I can't...I have um stuff to do." Kendall gave me weird look, "Okay." The bell rang and I was relieved. "I have to go to class," I stepped back, "Bye." She barely even got to wave before I was gone.
​I was listening to police records when Shawn walked into my room. I tucked the radio in my back pocket. "Hey kiddo what's up?" I asked. "This is you isn't it?" Shawn murmured, holding up a picture. It was me last night fighting that man. I'm wearing my hoodie so you can't see my face. You can just see the phoenix.
​I gave Shawn a weird look, "Why would you think that?" Shawn pointed at the phoenix hoodie draped on my bed. I bit my lip, "I guess she has the same hoodie." Shawn jumped on my bed, "You can tell me the truth, Shirley." I sighed, "Don't tell mom." A grin spread across Shawn's face, "I won't, I promise." I ruffled his hair, "Thanks kiddo, now go I got work to do."
​I had just parked my car in the same place as yesterday when my phone started to ring. Mom's face was flashing on my phone screen. I picked up, "Hello?" "Shirley where are you?" Mom asked. I was thinking of an excuse when I saw something in my headlights. A man wearing all black holding a gun. In front of the man was a woman, sheltering her child.
​"Hello?" Mom asked. "Mom I have to go," I mumbled into the phone, slowly getting out of the car.  "Shirley," Mom warned. The man raised the gun now. I burst into a sprint, dropping my phone and pulling up the hood of the jacket. The man put his finger on the trigger.
​The child looked frightened, tears running down her cheeks. "Give me your wallet or I shoot," I heard the man say. I finally reached the woman and I shoved her aside. I pushed the man's hand down, struggling to take the gun. But before I could the man shot the gun.
​I felt the heat of pain on my calf. My feet gave out from under me and my head hit the ground. Right before I blacked out I saw the man running away. And somewhere in the distance I saw something else. Another man. This man was in a navy blue suit and a red mask. Michael.
​When I open my eyes all I see is white. I'm not home. I'm in a white room. When I look around I notice a symbol that looks like a ying-yang. That symbol was navy blue and red. "Michael" I whispered to myself.
​I tried to stand but my hands were in cuffs, tied to the chair I was sitting on. I was stripped of my phoenix hoodie and just in my t-shirt and jeans. "What the hell do you want?!" I shouted. A door I hadn't noticed before opened. Michael stepped in, with his navy blue suit and red mask.
​I tried again to get up, angry, but I couldn't. "Glad I put you in restraints," Michael muttered. "Why am I here? What do you want?" I shouted. "I saved your life, Shirley and I shouldn't have, compared to what you did to me," Michael snapped, pulling off his mask. "This is saving me?" I held up my cuffed hands. "Those were for my safety," Michael explained. "Whatever...just how are you even alive?" I asked.
​"That's not know I find it funny that it took killing your father to get the hero out of you," Michael muttered. My hands curled into fist. Michael didn't notice and kept talking. "I knew you could be a hero, Shirley. I saw that potential in you since the day I met you...someone just had to give you a push." "So what? You pretend to die and then when that doesn't work you KILL my father?!" I shouted, angrily.
​Michael sighed, "I didn't pretend to die, I looked death in the eye and won...but you needed a bigger push because I saw that hero in you that day you reached for me at the range." "So you actually got shot?" I asked. Michael pulled up his shirt and barely above the waistband of his jeans was a huge scar. I flinched and looked away.
​"Michael, look I'm sorry for what you've gone through but killing someone?" I asked, my voice shaking. "Shirley! You could become the greatest hero vigilante out there, greater than Superman, greater than any power!" Michael shouted. "I can figure that out myself," I shouted back. Michael put his hands on the armrest and leaned close, his eyes glowing with anger.
​"I have people looking for me because they say I have a 'mental problem,' they say I'm delusional but I'm going to tell you now, Shirley Williams I needed to give you that push because you can achieve so much!" he shouted. "You're mental, Michael!" I shouted. "No. I'm. Not." Michael groaned, his voice spitting with anger. Then he slapped me across the face, hard. I turned my head away, licking my bleeding lip.
​I heard Michael walking away from me and I finally looked back at him. "I'll be back," he said. Then he walked out that door. As soon as the door shut I tried squeezing my tiny wrist out of the cuffs. I had no luck. After a few more tries the door opened again and I froze.
​Michael was holding knives and a target. "Look familiar?" he asked, walking over to the white wall and hanging the target up. I had a flash of the shooting range. A flash of Michael on the floor.
​I blinked and looked away, "What are you going to do with me?" Michael bent down and took off the cuffs. "Initiation, Shirley, to see if you're ready to become a hero," Michael explained. I bit my lip, "Michael I don't think I'm ready." "That's why I'm going to help you," Michael handed me a knife, "Throw the target."
​My heart was beating faster as a plan formed in my head. I raised my hand to throw the knife. Michael adjusted my elbow. "Throw" he finally said. I readied myself. Then I whirled around and stabbed Michael's stomach.
​He keeled over, his hand gripping his stomach. I started to run, limping because of my shot leg, as blood pooled around him. "Shirley please, don't leave me here to die...again," I heard Michael say. I almost stopped. I almost stopped and turned around and helped Michael up. I wanted to do that to make up for the shooting range but I didn't. Again, I kept running. Farther and farther.
​I'd found all of my belongings in one of the storage rooms of Michael's warehouse. Now I was standing outside, calling Kendall. "Hi this is Kendall's voice—," I hung up cutting her voicemail off. I didn't recognize the area so I was just wandering around. Then finally I ran into a street I recognized. The street where I'd been shot. I saw my car surrounded by police officers.
​"Hey!" I called, limping over to the officers, "Hey, what's going on?" One of the officers turned to me. "Oh my God, it's her...she's here guys she's okay," the officer said to his crew. I blinked at them as they all broke into cheers for me. "What just happened?" I asked.
​"Shirley, your mom called us yesterday after you hung up on her, we tracked down your phone and found your blood on the pavement. We thought you were dead and we were investigating," the officer explained. "Thank you Mr...," I looked down at his badge, "Rodriguez." The officer nodded, "No problem, but we just need to take you in...ask a few questions and make sure you're okay." I nodded, "Okay thank you...and um can I see my mom?"
​"Your mother's still at the farm, I'll call her so she could meet us at the hospital," Officer Rodriguez explained. I nodded, "Thank you." Officer Rodriguez nodded back and turned to his crew, scribbling in his notepad. My phone started to ring and I picked up. The number was anonymous.
​"Hello?" I asked. "I will find you again, Shirley and I will make sure you finish initiation and move into your hero destiny," the voice said and hung up. Officer Rodriguez was looking at me, "We need to start asking questions now." I nodded, "Okay."
​About an hour later I was sitting in a hospital bed. My mom and Shawn hadn't gotten here yet. I was alone. Office Rodriguez and his crew had asked me questions about what had happen. I told them about Michael, but not about the part that I stabbed him and left him to die.
​I was thinking about the phone call when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I called. The person walked in. Immediately my eyes widened, "Irwin?" Irwin's eyes widened, "Oh my God, Shirley." He ran over to hug me, "God I missed you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I missed you too, what are you doing here?"
​"I work here," Irwin explained, "I heard someone had gotten shot and the description sounded like you but I wasn't sure." "Irwin, I haven't seen you since I was like fifteen what's been going on?" I asked. Irwin shrugged, "The usual, nothing big." "Oh," I murmured. "So who's Michael Smith?" Irwin asked. Before I could answer the door opened and Mom and Shawn rushed in.
​Irwin backed up as Shawn ran over to give me a hug. I was hugging Shawn when I realized I hadn't seen my mom face to face since Dad died. Now when I look up, her face scared me. Her face was dark and dull and her eyes were red and swollen. "Shirley," she whispered, leaning in to hug me.
​I wrapped my arms around her neck, "Mom, it's okay." My mom sighed, and I felt a cold tear on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," she murmured, "I should've been there to help you." I shook my head, "It's okay, I'm fine." She sat back, "If you ever need help, Shirley, come to me, please." I nodded and the lights shut off.
​The whistle of the alarm made my ears hurt. I looked around as red lights flashed. Mom and Shawn were gone. Only Irwin was here, standing next to me. "Irwin," I reached out and grabbed his hand. "I sent them to the parking garage," he explained. " was just a second," I whispered, confused. Irwin shook his head, "As soon as the lights went off, your eyes rolled back."
​"I...," I trailed off, unable to say anything. Irwin looked me in the eyes, "Shirley, we should go." "Where?" I asked. "Out of here," Irwin explained, helping me stand. I screeched when my wounded leg hit the ground, "I can't, Irwin, I can't walk." "I'll help you," Irwin said, making me lean on him, "Come on, Shirley." With Irwin's help I started to move forward. Then I saw my hoodie on the armchair in the corner of the room. My identity.
​"Irwin, please stay here, let me find my way out, get yourself help," I whispered, holding in cries of pain as I leaned on my own two feet. Irwin's eyes narrowed, "You can't even walk. I can't leave you here alone." "Irwin you have to—."  "Hello," a voice came from the hospital speakers, cutting off my sentence. Irwin and I looked up at the speakers as if they had an answer for what was happening. "Hooded phoenix, this is for you, I know you're here, meet me on the roof or else," the voice said.
​I bit my lip. Michael. Irwin gave me a look, "Why does this guy want a vigilante?" I shrugged, "I don't know, but Irwin I really have to go." I started to step around him but Irwin grabbed my arm, holding me back and steadying me at the same time. The pain was so strong that the room started to blur. The red tiles blurred with the navy blue ones. "Run, Irwin!" I shouted. 
​Irwin held me steady as I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Shirley, Shirley you're okay...I won't leave your side," Irwin reassured. "No, Irwin let me go please," I begged. I could finally see now that the pain had ceased. Irwin was standing in front of me, holding my shoulders, "Shirley?" "Irwin please, let me go," I cried. "You're not going anywhere without me," Irwin said, his voice firm. The only way out was going to be telling him my identity. Or...
​Slowly but surely I was getting up the stairs to the roof. I had taken a pill that I'd found in my room to cease the pain even more. Irwin was on the floor of my hospital room, asleep. I had injected him with general anesthesia so he would be asleep for a while.
​As I got closer to the roof I pulled up my hoodie and rolled up the sleeves. My face was in the shadow of the hood, hidden. All I had for a weapon was more general anesthetics and a knife but that's it. I finally reached the door and took a deep breath. Then I pushed the handle down and stepped out. "Shirley," Michael said. I turned to face him, he was on squatting on the ledge of the building, a smile on his face.
​He had changed into a t-shirt and jeans but I could see the bulge of the bandage on his stomach. He acted as if nothing had happened though. 'I'm glad you're here," he muttered. "Please don't hurt anyone here, this is just between us, Michael," I begged. Michael jumped off the ledge, "I'm not going to hurt anyone...I'm trying to help you." "Michael, you can't help me, I need to do this myself. I need to take my time," I snapped.
​Michael rubbed his head, "You don't understand! You need an emotional push." I shook my head, "No I don't! I can grow myself! Leave me alone!" Michael stepped closer, "You need to learn to overcome emotional pain."  My hands curled into fist, "NO!" Michael laughed, "You can't stop me."
Before I could lunge at him he was gone. "Damn it," I shouted. When I walked over to the ledge I saw him. He was scaling the walls of the building, getting lower and lower. I could've sworn he looked at me. And winked. Then he was gone.
​"Shirley!" Kendall squealed, running over to me when I got home. "You had me scared to death!" she exclaimed. "Sorry," I muttered. Kendall backed up and scanned my face, "Are you okay?" I had to protect her.
​"Kendall, I don't think we should hang out anymore" I muttered. Kendall's green eyes widened, "Shirley, what...what are you talking about?" I sighed, "Kendall, please just go." "Shirley" she whispered, tears filling her eyes. I looked out my window, avoiding her eyes. Then I saw him, perched on the tree outside my window.
​"Oh no," I whispered to myself, then I turned to Kendall, "Ken, please go." Kendall looked confused and hurt, "Shirley, please talk to me, I can help you, we can do this together." I glanced out the window. Michael winked at me. I looked away, turning back to Kendall.
​"Get out, Ken please, get out and stay away from me and don't come back," I begged. A tear rolled down Kendall's cheek. "But—""Kendall go!" I shouted, cutting her off. Kendall blinked at me, "You know what fine, I don't even want to see you again. I don't even know why I wasted all my time on you! Don't talk to me ever, even if you feel like apologizing." Then she stormed out. I sighed and looked out the window. Michael was gone.
​I hadn't gotten sleep in days. Keeping up my identity and my grades was hard. Plus I'd been on my toes, careful of my surroundings and who I hung out with. I hadn't seen Michael, ever since the incident with Kendall. Every day at school when I'd see Kendall it would hurt to get the dirty looks and eye rolls, but at least she was safe.
​Everyone I loved was safe. I avoided showing any love to Shawn or my mom in case Michael was around. Everyone was safe. Until Irwin showed up at my house one day. I was getting prepared to go out and find Michael when he knocked on my bedroom door. I guess my mom had let him in. "Come in," I called, assuming it was my mom.
​Irwin opened the door and stepped in, "Hello, Shirley."  My jaw dropped, "Irwin, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" Irwin sighed, "We need to talk, Shirley." "Irwin please just leave," I begged, looking around frantically for signs of Michael. "Shirley, I know you're the Hooded Phoenix," Irwin exclaimed. I froze, "What?" "I saw you, Shirley, I'm not an idiot, I know why you injected me with general had to go to the roo,f" Irwin murmured, moving closer.
​"Irwin look please just leave I have to go take care of business," I explained. Irwin shook his head, "I want to help you, Shirley, you could be in danger." "No you're in danger...Irwin please." I stepped back, "Leave now, please." "Who's going after you? That Michael kid?" Irwin asked. "How about we talk about this somewhere more secure tomorrow?" I suggested.
​Irwin nodded, "Okay meet me in the Barn tomorrow afternoon." I nodded, "Okay, okay please go now." He offered a smile and then walked out. I watched him get in his car and drive off. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't see him get attacked. See? That's when I went wrong. Michael was perched on the tree across the street. And when we met eyes he winked and went after Irwin's car.
​The next day I was pacing back and forth in the Barn. Yesterday, I'd called Irwin about a million and one times after I'd seen Michael go after him. Every single call had gone to voicemail. It was almost one in the afternoon and Irwin wasn't here. What if something really happened to him?​
​Before I could have more paranoid thoughts, the door to the Barn opened. Irwin was standing in the doorway, hidden in a shadow. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I thought you were dead," I whispered into his shoulder. He was stiff.
​"Oh don't worry I did worse to him than that," I heard Michael say. I backed away from Irwin, noticing the change now. Irwin was wearing all black and his eyes were a different color. A mix of navy blue and red. "What did you do?!" I shouted, tears in my eyes. "I programmed him with a chip and now he's going to want to kill you," Michael explained from somewhere in the Barn.
"Why?" I cried.  "Before becoming a hero and saving others you need to be able to save yourself. Mentally and physically," Michael shouted. Then Irwin moved. His movements were almost robotic like. I took a step back from Irwin. "Michael, you're crazy," I shouted.
​"No I'm not!" Michaels' voice echoed through the Barn. "You're weak," I shouted. "No!" he shouted back.  "Then come fight me yourself!" I called, my voice roaring. Michael let out a wicked laugh, "No you need to fight your loved ones, you need to kill him." "Never" I shouted. Michael laughed again, "Then I guess he'll kill you."
​After a few minutes of fighting Irwin had me backed against the wall, a knife to my throat. "Irwin please I know you're in there," I whispered. Irwin's eyes didn't change. "Michael is this what you call helping?" I shouted. Finally I could see Michael, he was walking toward Irwin and I. "This is the part where you stab him," Michael smiled.
​"Stop, Michael you really need help," I cried. Irwin pressed the knife closer to my throat.  "I'm trying to help you become a hero," Michael explained. "Can't you see it isn't working? Michael, this isn't how life works. I'm truly sorry for what happened to you but you've done enough okay? Just back off" I shouted.
​Michael's eyes narrowed, "I'm doing this because if you're going to be a hero I don't want you leaving people behind to die! A great example would be myself." "I've changed! People change" I shouted. Michael turned around in frustration. I took this as advantage. I snatched Irwin's knife and ducked his punch.
​Michael whirled around but I stabbed him for the second time this week. Michael grunted as he grabbed the knife. Then he pulled it out and shoved me aside. I stumbled and fell on the floor. "Maybe you wouldn't make a good hero at all" Michael muttered. Then he lifted the knife and brought it down to meet my heart.
​Except that didn't happen. I rolled away and pushed myself to my feet. Michael stumbled aside and I shoved him so he fell. I grabbed the knife from the hay-filled ground and stood above Michael, "It's time I end this." I held the knife over him but I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill him.
​"Damn you" I snapped. Then I tossed the knife aside and helped him up. And I punched him hard. His head knocked back and his lip was now bleeding. "That's for get Irwin out of his trance!" I ordered. Michael gave me a bloody smile, "You can't make me." And with that he passed out.
​After I'd called the cops and had Michael put into custody I was sitting outside of Irwin's room staring at him. He was mentally ill now. Whatever Michael had used to control him was now killing him slowly. Scientist haven't found how to change that. I'd talked to Mom and Shawn and told them all about Michael. I told them everything but my identity.
​I didn't want to go back to school. To a life where now I had no father, no best friend, no Irwin to go back to. I could run away. I could run and never go back and live as the Hooded Phoenix. I could actually do that. But something in Shawn's face every time he smiles made me realize he has a future I need to help build.
​I got up from the chair I was sitting in and walked outside. I saw some scientist guys rushing in, holding boxes of utensils. "What's going on?" I asked one of the scientist. The guy had a beard and roughly blue eyes hidden behind his crooked glasses. "Are you that girl?" he asked me, not answering my question. I nodded."We found a cure for your friend" the man explained, adjusting the box in his hands, "We have to take that chip out of him." My hopes picked up a bit, "Can I come?" The man sighed, "I recommend you come by tomorrow, kid this might take a while." And with that he went inside, the doors shutting behind him. I turned back around and something caught my eye. A familiar car. Kendall's car.
I basically blasted over to her. The window was rolled down and she was texting someone, music roaring through the car. "Ken" I called out. She lowered the radio and she looked up at me, "Shirley?" I couldn't help the smile on my face, "Hey, Ken what are you doing here?" The dirty look again.
​"Your mom asked me to pick you up" Kendall said, avoiding my eyes. "Oh" I sighed, "Ok." I walked around to the passenger side and got in. it felt weird to sit in the so familiar leather seat the way I used to when she didn't hate me. None of us said a word. She started driving and it was quiet. I couldn't stand it. I had to tell her.
​"Ken?" I asked. She didn't look at me but her hands tightened on the steering wheel. "What?" she snarled. "The only reason I said I didn't want us to hang out was because I was trying to protect you" I blurted out. She gave me a weird look, "Protect me? From what?" I sighed, "This might sound a little crazy." "I'm listening" Kendall muttered.
​"Okay, do you know about the Hooded Phoenix?" I asked. Kendall's eyes widened, "No way." "What?" I said, confused. "Now's when you tell me 'Well that's me'" Kendall murmured, "And then I'll know why you said what you said." I stayed quiet. "Please tell me you're her" Kendall whispered.
​"Promise me you won't tell" I murmured. A smile spread across Kendall's face, "I promise." "Okay good and I want you to know that if I ever don't talk to you it's because I'm protecting you okay? Don't take it the wrong way" I explained. Kendall nodded, "Okay." "Okay" i agreed.

She kept on driving and there was an awkward silence. "Shirley?" she asked, after a few minutes. "Yes?" I replied. "I'm sorry," she murmured. I glanced at her, "For?" "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," she explained. I laughed, "Ken, it's fine you wouldn't have known better."

Kendall looked over at me, "Still." "Well I accept your apology" I joked. She smiled, "Okay." This time when it got quiet it wasn't awkward. It was more like a relieved silence. Like a weight had been lifted off both our shoulders.


Later that night as I was on top of my floral comforter and typing on my laptop my phone started ringing. I glanced at the phone expecting to see Kendall's face on the screen but it was just a random number. My heart started beating faster. It could be Michael. Was he back? Or was he calling me from jail?

I picked up, "Hello?" I could hear the echo of my voice and it was pure fear. "Hello? Is this Shirley Williams?" a hoarse voice asked. "Yeah it is, who's asking?" I murmured. "My name is Simon Jones, I'm one of the scientist that was helping your friend Irwin," the person said.

"Oh there anything new on Irwin?" I asked. "Yes that's actually why I see we took the chip out, but before any of our scientist could test him to see if he was really okay he ran off. I just wanted to let you know that he might go looking for you, he kept saying your name when we were taking the chip out," Simon explained. "Oh okay." I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks, "I'll keep a lookout." "Okay thank you," Simon hung up. I put the phone down with a smile on my face. With him and Kendall back maybe I'll be able to lead a double life.


The next day after school, I was doing my homework on my desk when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. My heart stopped. Irwin did the same knock the first time he came over. "Come in," I called, closing my homework book and standing up. The door opened and it was Irwin. He was wearing a hoodie over his head and blue jeans.

I ran over to hug him, "Oh my gosh, Irwin." He pulled his hands out of his pockets and hugged me back. But it wasn't like a hug. His body was stiff and he was holding me extra tight. "Oh God," I whispered trying to get out of his grasp. His arms wouldn't budge though. I was getting dizzy and my vision was blurring as he squeezed harder and harder.

He was trying to kill me. "Irwin" I cried, trying to get out of his grip again. It didn't work. My vision kept blurring. I lifted my hand and pushed back his hoodie. I knew I was going to pass out soon, but I had to see. I focused my eyes on his. And his eyes were still navy blue and red.


Comment if you like where i'm going with this. Next part coming soon

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