Chapter 14: No More Hiding

Start from the beginning

"Who was she calling to?" Rose asked.

"I'm not sure. It was all too fast. Dad walked back and went to get his wallet and he caught her there" Susan said.

"She wasn't supposed to use the phone?" Rose asked.

"No. They don't allow us to" Susan said. "I have my own but" she added.

"So what happened after that?"

"Um.. He took her to the living room and my mom was there and he said she was on the phone and he hit her with his belt. I tried to stop him. I really tried but he hit me too and ... I really tried to stop him Rose" Susan said barely able to finish. Rose kept holding the teen's hand and moving her thumb on the top, trying to comfort the teen somehow.

"And then what happened honey?" Rose asked.

"He took her to the bedroom" Susan said. "He was going to .. Um.." She said not finishing it.

"Was he going to ...?" Rose started but as she imagined that man doing that to that little girl she couldn't say it.

"Yeah" Susan said. "He did to me. He tried with her before but I stopped him" Susan said.

"Did you take her place?" Rose asked horrified but fighting to keep her composure. Susan nodded yes.

"I couldn't let him do that to her. She's just a baby" Susan said.

"You are so brave. You saved her. So many times Susan. Including now" Rose said.

"I don't know if he... I just heard her screaming and I don't know" she said really fast.

"He didn't." Rose said. "He didn't rape her" Rose said finally able to say the term. The doctors had done every test possible to make sure of that.

Susan looked relieved.

"When I got there she was out. I begged him to stop and he panicked and left. He just couldn't control himself. I could see when he realized what he had done" Susan said.

"Did your mom do anything?" Rose asked.

"No" Susan said. "She just stood there and when she saw Olivia on the bed like that she froze. She just.." She said.

"And when they left you called here?" Rose asked.

"Yeah." Susan said.

"You did very good Susan. Very good" Rose said.

"Can you fill that little test for me again?" She asked and the girl nodded yes.

Susan filled it and was honest in every question.

Rose told her they would let her see Olivia as soon as the child was taken to a room. Then she left to find Owen.

She explained to him and Alex what had happened and they were both horrified.

Owen new he had to tell everything to Amelia. She had the right to know.




Owen walked in to find Amelia on her spot, the chair next to the bed, holding Olivia's hand. It looked like she hadn't move an inch since he left.

"Amelia." He said and the woman looked at him. "Rose talked to Susan" he said.

"And?" Amelia said.

"Sean sexually abused Susan" Owen said.

Amelia's eyes opened wide.

"What about Olivia? Did he..?" She asked already crying and raging. She stood up.

"No. No he didn't. Susan protected the girl" Owen said putting a hand on Amelia's shoulder and the woman sat down again.

"And how did this happen?" Amelia asked taking her hand to her head and looking at the girl on the bed.

"Cecilia hit her yesterday and this morning they found her on the phone. Sean got mad and he lost it" Owen said.

"I told her to" Amelia said feeling horrible.

"What?" Owen asked kneeing down in front of her.

"I gave her my number Owen." She said fighting her tears. "I told if she needed help to call. I taught her how to call" Amelia said. And Owen noticed how guilty she was feeling.

"Hey! No! Amelia. This is not your fault." He said.

"If I hadn't.." She cried and he got up and hugged her.

"This isn't your fault. They did this. Not you. You hear me? It was them." He said as the woman cried in his arms. "Olivia is a tough girl. She'll make it. You'll see" he said and Amelia let go of him and started wiping her face.

"Look at me" Owen said and Amelia stared into his eyes.

"It was NOT your fault" he said and she nodded. He went to hug her again and she kissed him.

He stood up and said "you need to be strong" and she nodded.

"Your girl will need you strong" he added smiling.

Amelia managed a little smile back and he walked out.

Amelia took Olivia's hand on hers again and whispered "I'm sorry".

He heart ached as she sat there staring at the little girl on the bed with so many wires and tubes everywhere.

She wished she could have done more.

And now she wanted to just hold her.

Just hold her and make everything okay.

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