“Just because I’m not crying doesn’t mean I’m strong mom. You have to go with him; I will stay and take care of things here. Besides we can’t close the restaurant down, we are going to need the money, I’m not sure insurance is going to cover everything. I will call you everyday to ask how everything is going, he will want to see your face when he wakes up, and you are just as strong as I am mom you can do this”. I told her.

“Oh sweetie he will want to see your face too. Did I ever tell you are the best daughter anyone could ever have?” I smiled. My parents were the best, nicest people on the planet and that’s why I was more determined to stay and find out who did this and why? Who was putting my parents through this hell?

“Ok, I will go but I will call you every day to tell you what’s going on, I promise. Are you sure you can do this? I mean I know you can but the restaurant is busier these day and you have been gone for awhile now…” my mom said.

I didn’t take offense. I knew what she was talking about. I have been gone for awhile but my parents taught me everything about running a restaurant and I was more than determined to do this. “Its ok mom, it will fine, you just take care of yourself and dad I will handle everything down here”. I told her.

"Ok I believe in you sweetie”. My mom said to me, smiling for the first time since our lives got turned upside down.

“I will go home and pack you a bag, you stay here?” I asked my mom. I didn’t want her to see the inside of the house again.

“Yeah ok, if you’re sure”.  I nodded

“I will take you”. Wes told me. I shook my head I didn’t want my mom to be alone but before I could say anything he said “Luke is coming, he will stay with her or you will go with him but I don’t want you to be alone”. His voice held a note of finality to it. It surprised me but my best friend always knew what I needed.

Just as I was about to agree, when Luke walked into the waiting room, he immediately walked towards me and enveloped me in a hug. I leaned into him. Thanking god for my two best friends, they were always my rock to lean on to. They knew about everything that ever happened in my life. I took comfort in Luke’s arms, his warmth, and his scent. He always smelled like soothing candles.

“I’m so sorry Gracie.” He whispered in my ear. He had to crouch down because I was shorter than him and I wasn’t wearing my heels.

“Thanks for being here Lukey”. I whispered back, calling him by his nickname that I haven’t used in a long time. With the mention of his nickname his arms tightened around me.

“Do you want to drive her home so she can pack a bag for Dana or should I. she doesn’t want her mom to be alone”. Wes told Luke. Luke’s arms dropped around my shoulder but he still held me to him with an arm around my waist.

"I will drive her". Luke said.

"Ok I’m going to stay here and take the statement from Dana before she has to go.” He said mentioning to my mom who went to the bathroom to wash her tear stricken face.

Wes nodded; then he pulled me from Luke’s embrace and hugged me. “It’s going to be ok, Gracie, we are here for you”. He whispered to my hair.

I nodded then followed Luke but not before sending a worries look over my shoulder at my Wes, worried for my parents.

As we made our way outside the hospital after I put my shoes back on, I made a mental note to call our insurance company and ask them some important questions. I needed to know if they were covering my dad’s hospital bills so that if he any issues were to come up I could chime in and pay for anything else.

I certainly had the money for it. After I graduated college with a major in law and a minor in business, just in case I wanted to take over and ran the restaurant business one day, I became a lawyer in one of largest law firms in the country. It was big and divided in multiple divisions and I worked in the shifter division. Working with and on shifter problems, our people had people like us everywhere. We had our own doctors, lawyers, politicians, everything that the human world had. Which is why we were able to coexist with humans as normal as possible.

All in all, I was paid a very satisfying amount monthly both due to my cases and the fact that I was partner in my firm.

Speaking of work, I would need to call them and tell them about my situation. I wasn’t really worried about that, Parker would understand and I was long overdue for a vacation anyway.

“Gracie, do you want to get something to eat first”. Luke asked.

I frowned in confusion, “what why?” I asked.

“Because you just donated blood and you haven't rested or eaten anything.” Luke told me in a disapproving tone.

I knew he was just looking out for me but this pissed me off. I had bigger problems to deal with than food at the moment. “Food is the last thing on my mind, and I’m fine”. I told him, my voice came out bitchier than I intended but it was true.

I felt bad instantly, I open my mouth to tell him sorry but he interrupted me, “It’s ok, I get it.”

Luke pulled in front of my house and turned the car off. I sat there silent, looking around but not really seeing anything. Now that the crowd and the policy were all gone it was deathly quiet. The house looked normal too from the outside that’s if you ignored the yellow police tape.

“We have to be real careful in there; there might still be evidence that was missed.” Luke informed me.

I nodded. Then I got out of the car and went toward the back door.  It was easier to get to the bed rooms if you went this way. Something I realized whoever attacked my dad must have known because before Luke opened the door with his gloved hands, I noticed there wasn’t any forced entry. The lock looked just the same as ever. I kneeled down to look for the rock that had the key to the door in it, it used to be the  7th rock from the bottom among the rocks the lined the walkway.

But once I found it and looked inside, there wasn’t a key in there. There was however I scent. One I didn’t recognize. It smelt familiar but I could place it.

I handed it to Luke but he shook his head too.

“It smells familiar”. I told him.

His eyes widened. “You recognize the scent?” he asked. I nodded, “No, but it smells familiar, except I can’t place it”. I told him.

He nodded. Then he pulled out a bag and placed the rock in before he sealed it shut. “I will take it in to forensics and see what they can find”. He told me, I nodded then we headed inside.


I watched as my mom boarded the helicopter with my dad and the medical team. It brought tears to my eyes but both Luke and Wes’s arms around me gave be strength.

I stifled a yawn as we turned around and made our way from the hospitals roof.  It was now almost seven hours since I found out what happened and flew down here.

“Come on let’s go home and get some sleep”. Wes said.

I nodded and borrowed deeper into Wes’s shoulder, it has been a long day, I just wanted to close my eyes for a second.

I felt myself get picked up bridal style by one of the guys, I didn’t know which. I wanted to protest but I couldn’t. My head was hurting, my eyes were drowsy, I felt dizzy and light headed and for once I wanted someone to take care of me. Just this once, just until tomorrow.


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Unbroken  SHIFTER'S HEART: EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now