After I was seated, I was surprised when Jason asked for my rules. I hadn't realized he would even think about it, much less remember to ask before we had even gotten started. I dutifully stated that I wanted nothing in my mouth or my ass and I didn't want to be tied up.

And then I had watched them tip the scales. No, not just tip. Reverse. Jason had Katty on her knees and ordered her around. It didn't appear to effect her much. She was simply playing along. Until Jason got her sucking me off and buried his face in her snatch. Then she was terribly enthusiastic.

Unfortunately, there was a problem that she and I realized very quickly. I still needed permission to come. Katty couldn't give me that with her mouth full of my cock. And since her release was dependent on mine...

I bit my lip and dropped my head back against the headboard when she lost her rhythm again. She gasped against my chest as her hand wrapped around my cock and continued to stroke. "Jason. I can't."

He took pity on us both and let her come. My breath hitched as she remembered to give me permission. I flushed when I released my spunk all over her chest. I blushed even more when Jason took it upon himself to clean it up with his tongue. Once again taking on a punishment that a normal Vampire never would have.

Katty shifted in my lap and Jason went slamming into her. His intensity scared me, but Katty just smiled. They made me come once more before tucking me into bed with them and falling asleep. I slowly managed to relax between them and fell asleep myself.

A deep sleep without dreams.

I slowly flirted with wakefulness. There was someone curled against my back. But they didn't inspire the sense of panic like I usually felt in a Vampire's bed so they must be a friend. Who though? Juliette had crawled into bed with me a few times, though she usually preferred Tucker. Jake had curled up to sleep in my bed consistently until he was eighteen. Even after that he would still make an appearance every now and then.

I blinked my eyes open and stiffened a little when I remembered I wasn't at Sophia's anymore. My eyes focused on Jason, sleeping peacefully in front of me. Against my back, Katty sighed and curled a little closer, her arm sliding over my waist to fit us together.

My eyes closed again. I had slept without nightmares again. Even my waking had been a little gentler this time. And the sex hadn't been half bad. I drifted back into sleep, deciding that this little shameful indulgence was worth it. If anyone asked, I could always say I was just using them to sleep.

When I woke up again it was almost sunset. And I remembered something. I hadn't needed permission to come that last time.

For the next couple weeks we did a strange little give and take. Jason was obviously Katty's new lover. And yet, somehow, I fit into that equation too. Katty was trying even harder to fatten me up, offering me the first taste of whatever she had whipped up in the kitchen. She was lightly touching me more too. Little brushes across my shoulders or arms, especially when she was walking behind me, like she thought I was a skittish horse that needed to know where she was when she moved out of my range of vision or else risk getting kicked.

And as for Jason, he was simultaneously catering to Katty like any good lover and flirting with me. I watched Katty for any indication of jealousy or concern over the fact that her lover seemed to be pursuing me. She only seemed to find it amusing.

It didn't make any sense. They shouldn't need me. They were both fully capable of functioning as a pair. Yet, they continued to make me a part of their activities.

I bit my lip as Jason came into the kitchen after getting home from work and threw an arm around my shoulders as he grinned at me. "Hello darling. Did you miss me?" I swallowed and focused as hard as I could on the dinner I was making. Katty had been dealing with something urgent downstairs and had asked me if I would mind cooking. Since I didn't, I was making food for the household, even after Katty had gotten back.

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