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Clarke's POV-

I walked up to the parking lot out of the school exit of seen my brunette girlfriend leaning against the hood of my car.

"Hey" I kissed her as she looked up from staring at her hands,

"Hi" She let out a little smile,

"You had a good day?" I asked shoving my bag in the back seat,

"Same as any other" She huffed slowly getting into the car.

We both got into my car and I began driving through the city to get us some diner for tonight.

"I have news" Lexa spoke looking out the window,

"What is it?" I chuckled keeping my eyes focused on the road.

She still sat there in silence looking out the window when I pulled up at a red light.

"Lex" I looked at her and smirked,

"You know like you thought that Lauren and Camila were a thing?" She looked at me and our eyes met for a few seconds,

"Yeah?" I slowly let out,

"Well when I used Camila's phone to call you... her home screen was a photo of her and Lauren",

"And? Whats the big deal?" I had my confused face on,

"Kissing" She said with a straight face.

I nearly crashed the car when I heard that word.

"WHAT! I told you, I fucking told you there was something between them! I fucking knew it" I quickly spoke gasping and stuttering,

"Clarke calm down, were not telling anybody about this okay" Lexa stared at me,

"But-" I tried to get out,

"No buts, nobody okay" My girlfriend spoke seriously.


Later that night Lexa went to sleep early because she was tired from hopping around like a little bunny all day. I was sat down on the long black couch and turned on the tv, I was thinking about the Lauren and Camila thing and I don't know why it appeals to me that much... Well I'm a control freak duh.

I was watching Fear the walking dead when I felt my phone vibrate.

Lauren - Clarke... I need some advice. Are you free?,

Clarke - Yeah what kind of advice?,

Lauren - Open the door.

I got up and walked to the front door and there the Cuban girl stood with her red watery eyes and looked really stressed out.

"Hey" I looked at her shocked that she was outside my house,

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you" She tried too smile.

I stepped back to let her inside and she walked over to the couch and sat herself down.

"What's happened then? Boy troubles?" I nudged her raising my eyebrow,

"No, just I think I messed up" She let out a snigger and then went back to being serious.

I took a moment to scan her face... She looks a wreck.

"What do you mean?" I acted like I had no idea about anything in her life,

"So I'm dating someone and we got into an argument, and I said some stupid shit and I'm scared I've ruined everything" She lifted her hands to her head and began to cry,

"Hey it's okay, you'll get through it" I let my hand sympathetically rubbing her back,

"I'm such an asshole" She lifted her head up and stood up,

"Me and Lexa have had our share of words and actions and every time they made us stronger... It's not the end its a new beginning Lauren",

"Can I ask you something ?",

"Of course" I let out a little smile,

"What made you and Lexa announce you were dating?" The green eyes burned into her hands,

"That we loved each other... You don't hide someone you claim that you're In love with and you don't make them feel unwanted or like you want someone else. You show everyone that you're there's and they're yours" I poured out everything I felt into that sentence.

She didn't say anything she gently nodded and took a deep breathe.

"Thank you Clarke" She smiled and turned towards the door,

"Any time Lauren" I opened the door and embraced her into a hug,

"Guess I've got some making up to do".


Okay so I'm literally writing when I'm sad or angry and I think it works kinda better if I'm honest.

I'm struggling for I should do the next chapter in Lauren or Camila's POV but I feel like there's less Clexa and more Camren rn.

Good ThingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon