The Real Gang Leader

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"You're needless violence is going to get not just you into trouble, but the rest of the class as well," Kyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass, scolded at his classmate.

"I know," Mondo Oowada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, responded, "but that dick was picking on Chihiro. He had it coming."

"I agree that bullying is an issue, Bro," Kyotaka argued, "but violence doesn't solve problems. You simply have to tell the bully to leave Chihiro alone, or get the attention of a responsible adult. That reserve course student needed six stitches and a three teeth replaced, and I stopped you after the first punch. What are you going to do if he presses charges?"

"Hit harder."

Kyotaka opened his mouth to continue his lecture, but was stopped when Mondo accidently bumped into another student that was turning the corner. While Mondo barely flinched, the other student stumbled a few feet backwards and landed on their back, facing Mondo with a frustrated look.

"Hey, watch where you're fucking going, jack-ass," the kid mouthed.

Mondo looked at the fallen kid, realizing it wasn't actually a child, but in fact was an upperclassman. He had short, blonde hair and was well dressed, and looked even shorter on the ground than he did standing up. The student's name was Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza.

"That foul language isn't necessary," Kyotaka told Fuyuhiko, helping him off the ground, "but Mondo, you really should apologize."

"Yeah my bad, man," Mondo said, trying to ignore the fact that he had just been told off, "I really need to watch where I'm going."

"Yeah? Well, whatever," Fuyuhiko snobbily replied back.

"Upperclassman Fuyuhiko, there's no need to be immature about it," Kiyotaka scolded, "it really was an accident, and I too should take partial blame. I understand it probably hurts your ego to be knocked down by someone bigger tha-"

"Hey, shut the fuck up," Fuyuhiko shot, "I've got classes to get to, so why don't you just leave me alone? The Ultimate Moral Compass wouldn't want me to miss a class, would he?"

"O---of course not," Kiyotoka said, stunned at his own ignorance, "I only hoped we could settle this out like gentleman-"

"Let it go, Kiyo," Mondo said sarcastically, "obviously someone as stuck up as a yakuza wouldn't get how to be a bigger man."

"Hey, you got a fucking problem with my talent?" Fuyuhiko shot, "at least I don't just ride motorcycles around, ripping up the road. The yakuza actually have structure and class."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Mondo yelled, leaning down to get in Fuyuhiko's face, "biker gangs don't have class? The Crazy Diamonds have got class, you son of a bitch!"

"Ummm... guys?" Kiyotaka stuttered, "yelling at each other isn't going to solve any problems, let's just talk this out, okay?"

"We are talking it out," Mondo replied, raising his voice much more than necessary, "I'm not even yelling yet!"

"If that's not yelling, I'd hate to hear your outside voice," Fuyuhiko injected sarcastically, "maybe you just can't tell, like you're going deaf from all that fucking motorcycle noise."

Responding to Fuyuhiko's loud argument, a new face appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. It was a female figure, with white hair, red eyes, and glass, wearing a sailor uniform.

"Oh, good, Upperclassman Peko Pekoyama," Kiyotaka pleaded, "maybe you could help me sort this out. These two are being completely unreasonable."

"Is there a problem?" Peko asked, seeming to ignore Kiyotaka, speaking directly to Fuyuhiko.

Danganronpa: School Time!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon