Sama-Stalker Central

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The Ultimate Affluent Progeny, Byakuya Togami, had expected from day one to have to deal with crazy girls chasing him around Hope's Peak Academy. It was only natural, considering he was the heir to the Togami group. That said, having a full blown stalker only a little over a month into the year surprised even him.

It started in class, which Byakuya was now thankful wasn't necessary to attend. There was a dweeby pigtailed girl with cheap classes that had felt the need to follow him out of the classroom and to his room. She obviously wasn't a threat, but she sure as hell was an annoyance.

Now, as he sat in the library studying, he could feel her presence lurking in the shadows. He could easily tell when she snuck in, too. The room's aura shifted out to the balance and plummeted to peasant, and that was even with him still in the room.

"Tell me," Byakuya said, closing his book and standing up without so much as turning his head to look at his stalker, "what exactly do you hope to gain from staring at me all day? Your stench distracts me from my studies."

"Eeeek!" the girl yelled, seeming somehow surprised that Byakuya had seen her, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you! It's just-" she poked her fingers together nervously, her face glowing red in embarrassment, "I'm in your class, and I just think that-"

"I know who you are, you low class pleb," Byakuya shot, "I know everything about all of my classmates. Toko Fukawa: the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, famous for cliché romance novels that somehow inspires the masses of other peasants."

"You-y-y-you know who I am?" she said happily, "you even acknowledged my existence! Do you know how much that means to me?"

"No," Byakuya said simply, "nor do I care. The only reason I acknowledged your talent was to point out how pathetically lowly you are; a point that doesn't seem to register with you."

"But you must care if you so much about me!" Toko pointed out, "there's no way you would do so much research on someone who meant nothing to you, right?"

"Wrong. Now leave."

"Y-y-yessir!" Toko stuttered, then ran out of the room. Byakuya knew she would be back, though. It was time to make preparations for that moment.


"I don't know, Toko," Makoto Naegi tried reasoning, "that sounds more like bullying than it does love."

Toko had told Makoto all about her encounter with Byakuya, even keeping him after class to talk about it. Although, Makoto doubted that the situation had gone exactly as she was describing.

"W-w-what would you even know?" Toko shot back, "a virgin like you wouldn't understand the truest form of love that Master Byakuya and I have."

"Hey- I don't see how that's relevant!" Makoto tried defending himself, "besides that, why are you calling him master now?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Toko asked, seeming surprised by such an absurd question, "when we were alone together, he clearly told me exactly how wonderful he is, and how far above me he is. He felt the need to go out of his way to explain to me what our relationship is, so of course I would call him Master!"

"Uh...Okay." Makoto said nervously, scratching the side of his chin with his finger, "I guess I just wouldn't understand."

"No," Toko replied firmly, "You wouldn't. But if you ever see Master and I together, you'll see how much he cares for me. I truly do mean something to him, and one day he'll call me by adorable pet names like-"

"Hey peasant trash!" a voice called from behind her.

"No, not that," Toko said angrily, turning around. However, it was Byakuya himself who had spouted the absurd name, proving Toko wrong before she had even finished her sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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