Super High School Level Stampede

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"Upperclassman, I appreciate the gesture, but I really don't think I've got what it takes to watch all of these animals for so long."

"Nonsense, mortal. The gods have blessed you with luck, and such a gift would not betray you even against my powerful war demon companions. Aside from that, I be gone merely a few hours. I have to make up a math test."

Makoto Naegi couldn't help but to beg with his senior schoolmate Gundham Tanaka. Gundham may have gotten into the school with sheer talent, being the Ultimate Animal Breeder, but Makoto had gotten in by pure chance. A random lottery went out every year, and one random high school student was selected to become that year's Ultimate Lucky Student. While it was obvious Makoto's upperclassman Nagito Komaeda had streaks of luck, Makoto didn't feel so lucky himself.

Gundham had failed to plan a babysitter for his mass army of animals, despite the fact that he left them alone to go to class all the time. He had told Makoto that were feeling "strange vibes radiating from below" and would require a "guardian" for the day.

"I told you before, I'm not actually lucky," Makoto pleaded, "getting into this school was just a fluke for me, I don't belong here with you Ultimates."

"Are you such a fool that you don't know your own strengths?" Gundham asked, seeming appalled, "The cursed eye that rests in my skull has seen the she-witch Junko Enoshima try many times to kill you, but each time you have avoided said atrocious fate with sheer luck."

"Wait..." Makoto interrupted, "Junko's been doing what?"

"I haven't the time to get the help of another human of the flesh," Gundham reasoned, "as so, fate has decided that you will be the one to guard my hell beasts. I will soon be back, my tribulations call for me."

Makoto opened his mouth to try different methods of begging, but Gundham was much too persistent, leaving the room and abandoning Makoto to watch over a horde of strange animals.

As Gundham entered the school building, leaving Makoto with the animals in an enclosed courtyard, Makoto couldn't help but to look around anxiously. He was the only human in sight, and he recognized some of the animals as endangered, exotic, or even deadly.

There was a tiger slinking around in the shadows, a large snake coiled around a tree (although Makoto had no idea what kind of snake it was), a bear sleeping in the sun, and an orangutan shifting through the garbage. There were many, many more, ranging from a fox to a deer and up to even an elephant, which Makoto could not figure out how Gundham had gotten to the courtyard.

The only normal animal Makoto had found was a black cat, which was now sitting in his lap. Gundham had told Makoto that its name was "Dark Zealot of Shadows: Ragnarok" or something. Makoto just called him Shadow.

As Makoto pet the black cat, waiting for time to pass, he heard someone open the door and enter the courtyard.

He could have recognized the person by the smell of their perfume as quickly as he recognized his classmate from the sight of them, and he was relieved to see a familiar face among his exotic petting zoo.

"Umm.. Makoto?" the voice said softly, "why are you sitting alone in outside with a herd of Upperclassman Gundham's animals?"

His classmate had long, blue hair just a few shades darker than her eyes, which completed the porcelain doll look set by her unusually smooth face.

"It's a long story, Sayaka," Makoto explained, "but long story short, Gundham left me with all of his animals to go take a test."

Sayaka curled her hand just below her mouth and let out a small giggle.

Danganronpa: School Time!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें