Ultimate Lucky Showdown

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It was almost midnight and neither of them were there. It had been such a boring day, and Junko was not going to put up with being blown off by two people at once.

The Ultimate Fashionista, Junko Enoshima, tapped her fingers across her folded arms as the clock ticked to 11:57, and she puffed out her cheeks in frustration. "Where the hell are they? I thought I gave them more than enough incentive to come.

Junko's twin sister Mukuro Ikusaba tried to comfort her despair loving counterpart, saying "maybe they're running late. You did contact a few of the more laid back students."

"Shut up and go put on some deodorant," Junko nastily shot back, watching the clock move to 11:58, "you stink. Have you tried taking an extra shower when you wake up? You've got some serious B.O."

Junko had more to say, but closed her mouth when she heard the sound of footsteps entering the room. Her malicious tone silenced, clearing room for a mischievous grin that stretched from ear to ear.

Turning around, she was pleased to see the Ultimate Lucky Student making an appearance. Not her Ultimate Lucky Student, though. This one actually had real luck.

"Nagito-senpai," Junko called sweetly, putting her hands to her face trying to look as cute as possible, "I'm so glad you could make it! My day has been soooo boring up until now, and it's going to get sooo much better now that-"

"I didn't come here to talk," Nagito shot, clearly disgusted, "in fact, I hate to follow the orders of someone who thrives off despair as much as you do, even if they are such a talented student. Now, if I remember correctly, your poorly cut and pasted blackmail note offered me a chance to build on the hope of a particularly talented individual, but something tells me you weren't talking about yourself, were you?"

"You've got some rockin' awesome intuition, you know that, you hope loving slut?" Junko replied, sticking her tongue out and crossing her arms in a rock-star pose, "you're goddamned right, and if you'll turn around, you'll see our next despairingly awesome guest star!"

Nagito turned around, as another underclassman entered the empty classroom. It was exactly midnight. The arriving student had her hands calmly folded near the base of her stomach, and twin drill-tails flowing elegantly down her back.

"Celeste-chaaaaaan!" Junko called, switching back to her child-like voice, "I was worried you weren't going to make it! That would have been soooo despair inducing for me, I'd have had to kill your entire family!"

"Your invitation said midnight," Celestia Ludenburg answered coldly, "I'm here on time, aren't I?"

"To be early is to be one time," Junko quoted, trying to sound mature, "but to be on time is to be late."

"For someone acting so concerned with punctuality," Nagito interrupted, "you seem to be wasting a lot of time. What exactly do you want?"

Junko was caught off guard at Nagito's snark for a moment, but recovered quickly.

"Hey, Muki," she said, turning and looking at her twin, "why don't you show Nagito-senpai here our little toy?"

Mukuro nodded, reaching in the hem of her skirt. She pulled out rather small, but it was something that everyone in the room feared nonetheless. It was a gun- more specifically, a six shot revolver.

Junko took the gun from her sister, who starting pushing desks together to make a larger table with a chair at each end.

"Have a seat," Junko demanded, pulling the hammer back on the gun. Nagito and Celeste did as she said. Nagito never broke his malicious stare, and Celeste never broke character.

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