Chapter 33: Civilization

Start from the beginning

"There's so much I need to accomplish which I can't without power. I need to find my parent's killer. I need to see justice done. But most of all..."

"Most of all?" I implored, desperate for more information. It felt amazing to have Reuban open up to me. It was such a rare event.

"I... actually wasn't born to be king." He confessed. I noticed the car had decelerated dramatically during our conversation. Normally he drove ridiculously fast, but now he was going a normal human speed.

"What do you mean? You're a prince. You're the prince"

"I am a prince, but only the eldest has the right to be king." This confession left the car in a state of unrelenting silence. I thought back to the photo I stole a glance of in Reuban's room. There was another boy in the picture: the grey-eyed boy.

"So... you have a brother?" I asked in a timid voice.

"I had a brother. He... He isn't around anymore." Reuban's agonized voice shattered my heart.

"I'm so sorry." I reached my hand out and placed it on his right hand in a comforting manner. He gave me a grateful smile.

"He was a really great brother. He always took care of everyone around him without wanting anything in return. He had a genuine respect for every living thing. He was made to be king." A wistful expression came over him.

"Can I ask... what happened to him?" I ventured. Reuban glanced at me quickly before shaking his head.

"Maybe later. For now, we're here."

I hadn't even noticed we pulled into a large mall parking lot. With a jolt, I realized I would be around other humans. It felt so strange to be back in my ordinary world.

For some odd reason, I felt out of place.

"You need to stay right by my side the whole time. No wandering off." Reuban instructed with a hard voice. I couldn't help but frown at his expression; he was on-edge.

"I'll stay right beside you. I promise." I tried to sooth his nerves, but I couldn't tell if it worked.

We entered the large shopping complex, and I was hit by the boisterous noise and chaos. I had become so accustomed to the big quiet mansion that this loud and frenzied mall was a culture shock. I reached out and clutched onto Reuban's leather jacket sleeve. He glanced down at me.

"Are you okay?" I nodded without replying and surveyed the mall. People passed by us without a notice. Lights from all the stores illuminated the white tiles, and I felt helpless in the madness.

Reuban pulled me along to an expensive clothing store. I finally let go of his sleeve when we entered the store, but I stayed as close to his side as possible. I couldn't understand my fear. I'd gone to malls dozens of times, but now it felt like a horrifying quest. I wanted to return to the mansion and curl up in my warm bed.

Reuban pulled item after item off of the shelves: long sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets, jeans, sweatpants, sneakers, and more. He grabbed both female and male items.

"Are we stocking up for winter?" I asked sarcastically. He simply sent me an irritated look and continued with his plunder.

I stopped him as he headed straight for the cash register.

"Wait, I haven't tried anything on yet." I told him in confusion.

"I know your measurements. They'll fit."

"How do you know my measurements?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest protectively. He glanced down at my gesture and smirked playfully.

"I can tell." I gaped at him and followed mutely as he paid and left the store. We had way too many bags. I began walking to the car, but he stopped me. "We're not done yet."

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