Chapter 2: Kidnapped

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Chapter 2

After ten minutes, I was ready to open the car door and jump out onto the highway to escape the heavy tension feastering in the quiet car. Tony kept looking back at me through the mirror. He had an evil look, so I assumed he was still angry about the cigarette. The awkwardness was killing me, and my iPod had unfortunately died leaving me trapped without escape.

Ten hours left.

After fifteen minutes, I got sick of looking out the window.

After twenty-five minutes, I gnawed off all the finger nails on my right hand.

After thirty-nine minutes, I gnawed off all the fingernails on my left hand.

After an hour, I was going insane.

"So, are you excited about boarding school?" Tony asked. I sighed in relief; the man was a blessing in disguise.

"Not really, I'm guessing it will be the same as my last school." I answered in a bored tone.

"Yeah, but at boarding school you won't have any friends. You're starting in the middle of a semester. Won't that bother you?" He questioned, raising his left eyebrow as he glanced at me in the rearview mirror. I realized now that he was just trying to make me nervous.

"Well, that fact never bothered me at my old school, so I don't see why it would now." He seemed taken aback for a moment before smiling. A pitying look appeared in his gaze.

"That's good. My cousin actually used to go to this boarding school, it's very nice." He grinned at me, and I forced a smile back. "I got excited when I saw the job was to drive someone there. It will be nice to see the campus again."

"What a coincidence." I replied derisively.


After one bathroom break, two gas breaks, one snack break, and a lot of driving, Tony and I got to know each other fairly well. He really wasn't that bad of a guy despite his propensity toward littering. He almost made me laugh once. Almost.

"We're getting really close now." He told me with a large grin. We just stopped for gas, and now we were in the car driving again. He pulled off the highway onto a dirt road. Trees flew past in a mirage of green and brown as I gazed outside.

"Really? Finally!" He laughed.

"Well, just wait till we get there. It will be worth the-"

I felt my head snap forward as he was cut off by the car slamming straight into something. The car swerved right, and Tony pulled the wheel sharply to the left in a knee-jerk reaction. However, the car only spun. The car came to a sudden halt as the right side smashed into a tree. There was a frozen moment of pure silence as my brain tried to catch up to my body.

"Jaime, are you alright?" He turned around toward the backseat to check on me. I bobbed my head in shock, rubbing a hand against my sore neck. He had a streak of blood gushing out of his left temple where he must have hit it against the window.

"What was that?" I asked, surprisingly calm despite the situation.

"I-It... I don't know. It looked like a person, but it couldn't have been. That wouldn't have happened if it were a person. It came out of nowhere. Whatever we hit caused us to be flown into a tree." He seemed really shaken.

"I'm going to check it out. Stay here." He left the car before I could protest.

There was a deafening silence. I jammed my bag into my chest while straining my ears to hear. Suddenly, something crashed into the driver's door. It looked like a body, but I couldn't make it out because a dark liquid splattered the windows. The object that hit the window slid down causing an awful squeaking noise.

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