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Messi: why has it been a week

Pique: idk

Sarah: some of us have had better things to do!

Sergi: speaking of better things, you weren't at the Atletico game

Denis: yeah, weren't you staying with Neymar?

Neymar: she flew back to Madrid

Messi: when

Sarah: with my brother and his team after their game vs espanyol

Pique: ahh makes sense

Mia: yay! I need to meet you in person, I'm in Madrid at the moment

Rafinha: Hey Mia

Mia: Hi Rafi

Messi: aww, she's already calling him Rafi

Iniesta: leave them alone

Sarah: we should totally meet up!

Pique: wait where do you live Mia. You said 'at the moment'

Mia: Barcelona

Bartra: you live in Barcelona but support Madrid?

Pique: Marc!!

Mia: Yeah, family are all Madridstas so I was born an raised as one.

Marc: Gerrard!! I miss you

Pique: miss you two. How are you? I saw that you came off against Wolfsburg!

Bartra: just abductor problems. Hoping to be good by CL so we can smash some Madrid ass

Sarah: you better be hoping that you don't play so that your not as embarrassed by the thrashing that's coming your way

Mia: Amen sister

Sarah: *high fives Mia*

Mia: *Dabs on you at the last second leaving you to look like a fool*

Neymar: Watchout Rafi, you got a feisty one.

Pique: watch out Ney, only Mia can call him Rafi

Messi: watch out Geri, only Sarah can call him Ney

Denis: watch out Leo, only Marc can call him Geri. Trust me, I've made that mistake

Sarah: ^^😂😂😂

Alves: better watch out Neymar, you might lose your girl


Neymar: no need for all the caps lock

Suarez: no need for all the attitude

Sarah: 😂😂Ney just got slayed by Luis of all people.

Pique: I'm confused. Normally vampires are the ones being slayed, they don't do the slaying.



Messi: 😂😂funny but mean

Iniesta: Gerrard apologise

Pique: no

Suarez: it's ok, I get used to it

Sergi: oh, that's funny I only just got it

Alves: Sergi, you are so slow

Mia: #slowsergi

Neymar: hey that's that thing where the both start with the same letter

Sarah: alliteration

Neymar: yeah, that's the one


Bartra: #slowsergi sorry bro

Messi: #slowsergi

Alves: #slowsergi

Sergi: screw it.


Sergi: #slowsergi

Can't believe this is actually at 40 chapters!!! Thank you everyone for comments, votes, reads etc.

I'll be honest, I would've updated sooner but I've been watching the sidmend and reading sidemen fanfics. Sorry guys!!

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