Yeah, he's alright

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In an hour or two I have managed to make good progress on a few of my assignments making me feel slightly less guilty about going out again tonight.

As I do my hair in a perfectly messy bun and apply my signature red lipstick, I think about what I'm gonna wear. I don''t want to be too over-dressed but being under-dressed would be much worse. In the end I decide to just wear what I would wear to a normal concert, settling on a black flowy dress with matching heels.

I still have fifteen minutes before Harry said that he as going to pick me up and so I decide to scroll through my twitter timeline for a bit. Instantly, I notice Bridget and Rachel's tweets about how excited they are for tonight's conert and my stomach drops. I feel bad about not telling them but a part of me knows how jeleous they would be if I told them and that is the last thing I want because my best friends mean everything to me. I just hope that I don't run into them tonight.


Harry picked me up not long after I began checking twitter and now we are driving to the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. I have to admit that I am really excited. It might sound cliche but this is every girls dream and I am living it. Ring Ring. Oh no, who could that be? I check the caller ID. Rachel. As I internally debate whether or not to answer, Harry interupts my thoughts.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" he asks with a slightly confused look on his face, his eyes not leaving the road.

"Ummmm, yeah?" I reply which ends up sound more like a question.

I quickly press the answer button before I have the chance to chicken out.

"Hi Rachel!" I say as normally as I can.

"AAAHHHHH MYYYYY GAAAAWWWDDDDDD QUINNNNN THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!!! I AM ABOUT TO SEE MY BOYS!!!!!!!" she yells into the phone making me hold it slightly further from my ear. I think that Harry can hear her to because he begins to laugh at her enthusiasm causing me to shoot him a shut up or I kill you look - my attempt at intimidation  just makes him laugh harder.

"Yes its going to be amazing!! Last night's concert was incredible!" I reply trying to remain calm act natural. "are you at the venue yet?"


This causes yet another round of laughter from Harry himself. Oh boy, if only Rachel knew who was listening in to this conversation. I decide to have a bit of fun.

"Yeah he's alright I guess, not as hot in real life though....and he seems like a bit of a diva..."

Harry's face was priceless - a mixture between shock and hurt but also amusement.


"Whatever, just make sure that you invite me to the wedding! Have fun at the concert - I'll talk to you later!! And say hi to Bridget for me!"

"YES I WILL OK BYEEEEE" and then the line goes silent.

"You haven't your friends about what happened last night or today, have you?" asks Harry with an unmissable smirk.

"Ahhh let me think: NO. Do you know how mental my friends are? Ok so I am a fan of One Direction but they take it to a whole new level!!!!! And you're their favourite!!!!!!!!! If I told them that I got to meet you they would pass out. If I told them that we went on a date thing they might die" I say quicker than I thought possible.

"Date thing?" he questions. Oh no. I called our picnic a date. Wow way to make things awkward.

"Ah yeah I didn't mean that" I add awkwardly.

"No that's fine, I was kind of hoping that it was a date but I didn't knw if you felt the same way"

"But why, why me? Of all of the girls that you could possibly have taken out on a picnic, why me?"

"You are beautiful - and I don't just mean physically. You are such a gorgeous person inside and out and whenever I spend tim e with you it just makes makes me want to spend even more time with you. But if you don't like me in that way than I totally respect that."

We sit in silence for a few minutes, his expression slowly changing to one of disappointment.

"i like you too Harry, I really do. When I'm with you I forget about all of my problems and I like that."

"So will you go out on another date with me then?"

"Absolutely" I reply simply.

The fact that he actually wants to go out with me makes me happy beyond belief, but at the back of my mind I know that in a few days he's gonna be leaving Brisbane and long-distance relationships only last for so long. I also know that if we really do become a thing, my friends are going to find out about i eventually. But nothing good ever comes without a few down sides, right?

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