You like?

12 1 0

It was ten thirty and I had just woken up to the familar beep of my phone. Morning Quinn, I hope you slept well. I was thinking that we might have a picnic? Going to a restauran just attracts fans and papparazzi. Text me your address and I'll pick you up at 12. See you soon, Harry x"

I wait a few minutes, not wanting to seem to keen, before replying with the address of my house. Oh my god, I have an hour and a half to get ready. I shower and do my hair in a loose poneytail and then decide upon a light sundress and mys favourite sandals as the summer weather has definitely arrived. Now that I think about it, Harry and the other boys must be boiling in this weather!!

Thinking of the boys reminds me that they are playing another Brisbane Concert tonight and this is the one that two of my best friends - Brisget and Rachel - are going to. I haven't quite told them about my little interaction with Harry last night and out plans for today just yet because they will freak out as they are MASSIVE fans. I guess I will have to tell them eventually, but I think that just want to see how today's picnic goes before I tell anyone.

I am just grabbing my bag and sunglasses when I hear a car pull up outside.

"Bye mum!" I yell before rushing out the door.

"Hey babe" says harry as he gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for me "excited for our picnic?"

"Yeah I am actually, where are we going" I reply as I get in the car.

"Somewhere quite because I would like to have an outing that is not disrupted by flashing cameras or screaming girls" he chuckles and I giggle.

"Fair enough"

We make small talk during the 20 minute drive to our destination which turns out to be a small, secluded park that I had never seen before. It is gorgeous and definitely out of the way.

"You like?" he asks through a smile.

"Yes! It's gorgeous!" Is exclaim, probably a little too excitedly.

"Good, I'm glad" he says, grabbing a picnic basket from the backseat of his car.

A warm breeze hits me as I put on my sunglasses. "Do you need any help?" I ask, trying to be polite,

"Nah I'm good, but thanks" he replies, the smile not leaving his face.


We have now been eating, talking and laughing for a few hours now and I am beginning to feel much more comfortable around Harry. I have to admit, he's not what I thought he was, not at all.

"We should probably get going shortly, you do have a concert to get ready for!" I say.

"Yeah I suppose. Hey, you should come tonight! Come and hang out with me backstage for a bit and then you can watch the show from the side"

"Really? That would be great!"

The concert really was amazing last night so it would be fantastic to get to see it again and I can't say no when it means spending more time with Harry.

He drops me home telling me that he will pick me up again in a few hours, giving me enough time to work on a few assignments and then get ready. As I say goodbye and turn to walk towards my house, he grabs my wrist spinning me around and then lightly pecks me on the cheeck.

"I'll see you later" he says smirking.

"Yeah" I say, slightly stunned "See ya!"

Always in My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora