Can I help you?

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"THANK YOU BRISBANE YOU HAVE BEEN AMAAAAAAAZING TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!" Liam exclaims suddenly, causing yet another scream to erupt from the audience. This has without a doubt been the best night of my entire life. I have just spent the past two hours singing and dancing and screaming in the fourth row of of One Direction's first Brisbane concert of the Take Me Home tour and it has been incredible. Before the concert I was definitely a fan but not a hugeone, not like some of the girls here. This concert however has completely converted me and I can now proudly say that I have fallen completely and utterly in love with this band. I don't really have a favourite member yet but if I had to choose right now then I would probably have to say Harry because he made eye contact with me a few times during the concert and even waved it me once which I though was really sweet.

"That's what makes you beautiful". They sing the very last line of the last song before heading backstage leaving the audience laughing, screaming, even crying. Still on an enormous high from the constant adrenaline rush of the last few hours, I begin to make my way down the stairs and towards the exit when someone grabs me by the arm unexpectedly. Expecting it to be a friend of mine or at least someone that I know, I turn around with a smile on my face until I realise that it is a sceurity guard. Oh my god. I thought. What have I don wrong? Maybe I was too loud during the concert? Pfft...hardly, I could barely hear myself in there let alone anyone else!!! Maybe I fogot something? That's odd...I'm not really the sort of person who leaves things behind. Well, there's only one way to find out....

"Can I help you?" I say as calmy as I can despite the fact that I am still shaking from the concert.

"Yes actually, would you mind coming backstage with me?" he asks as my head begins to process what he is saying. What the hell?! "Mr Styles has personally asked".

After what feels like an eternity of silence, I finally wrap my head around what he has just said. To be perfectly honest, I am a little hesitant. Yes Harry is a absolute angel but doesn't it seem a little superficial to ask someone backstage because...why? They's pretty? Then again, I can't really reject an offer like this and so I accept.

I quickly call my mum to let her know that I might not be home for a little while longer. She doesn't seem too impressed at first but soon agrees after I tell her exactly why. I was going to be catching a taxi home anyway so it doesn't really affect her.

The security guard leads me through the surge of excited girls towards a large door. All of a sudden my heart is in my mouth as I realise what is actually about to happen - this only gets worse when a door with the words Harry Styles written on it comes into view.

"He's just in there" says the security guard.

"Ummm....thanks" I say nervously.

"Dont worry" he laughs "he won't bite". He gives me a reassuring smile.

I double check my hair and lipstick in the nearest reflective surface and then head towards the door. I knock. Silence. Maybe he's not in here? Maybe he changed his mind and doesn't really want to see me? Maybe -

My thoughts are interuppted by a voice that I would recognise anywhere. "Come on in, its unlocked" he says gently and I can sense the tirdness in his voice.

Slowly I turn the handle and before I can begin to process what is happening, Harry Styles is standing before me.

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