When Fallon woke up, she was surprised to find William sitting in her computer chair, reading the newspaper. He looked at her, as stirred into consciousness. “You’re still here?” She asked. “Do you want to eat anything?” He asked her, ignoring her question. “No…I’m scared I won’t be able to hold it down.” She told him, Sitting up and leaning against the headboard. “Don’t worry about that. You should be worried about downing some fluids.” He told her. “Okay…I’ll drink some water.” She scooted towards her bedside table and took a gulp from a water bottle she had put there. “See, I’m okay.” She told him.

“Yea…you need to be supervised. You almost collapsed when you got up.” William told her. “You make a really good worry wart, you know?” Fallon told him. “Yea, and you should see a doctor.” He retorted. “Okay…okay…I’ll be good.” She retreated.

It was weird for her to have William worrying over her. This would take time getting used to.

“I’m going to go out and get you some soup and I think maybe you should have Gatorade. It’ll keep you hydrated.” He told her getting up. “I don’t like Gatorade much…” Fallon said wrinkling up her nose. “Okay what do you prefer?” William asked stopping to lean against the door way, waiting for her answer. “Cheryl left some VitaminWater in the fridge…I’ll just take that.” She said, getting up slowly this time. “Halt!” William said. He held up his hands. “I’ll get it.” He told her. “I can do it myself.” She complained. “Nope. Go back.” He commanded. He watched her go back to her bed. “Are you happy now?” She asked. “I’d be happier if you went to the doctor.” He told her, he left for the kitchen.

“Here, make sure you keep drinking a little every few minutes.” He said, handing her a bottle. “I’m going to be back in a little while. Then you are going to eat some chicken noodle soup.” He told her. “Do you want me to call any one to come and watch over you?” He asked. Fallon shook her head. “Cheryl’s in Tuscany…and Chris is on some camping trip.” Fallon said a little morosely. “Okay, then I’ll be back after getting some stuff for you…and a change of clothes for me.” He said getting his keys from the table.

“Will…you don’t have to watch over me.” Fallon said, looking at him. He was being kind enough to get her soup he didn’t need to stay the night and watch over her. “I know, but I don’t want you to get worse. You’re by yourself, it’s never good to get sick and not have some one check in on you. Besides I told you tomorrow if you’re not better I’m taking you to the doctor.” He told her, looking at her. ‘Whether you like it or not.” He added.

Fallon sighed. There was no point in arguing, not now when she needed to get better quick. She gulped some of the VitaminWater down.

William turned to leave. “William.” Fallon called out softly. William turned to stand in the doorway. “Yea?” He asked. “Thanks…Thanks for trying to take care of me.” She said, with a smile. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.” He was about to turn back, when she spoke again. “You can take my keys, I know you’re going to have to get back into the house. Their on the table.” Fallon told him. He nodded. He said goodbye before leaving.

Fallon stayed up a little longer, but couldn’t stay up long enough to see William when he got back. He found her sleeping. The bottle of VitaminWater was still pretty full.

That night William slept on the couch. Fallon’s room door was kept open. He made sure she had everything, and was drinking enough. She found him waking her up just so she would drink some fluids. After she obliged he would let her fall back asleep.

It wasn’t until the morning that Fallon realized what a big sacrifice had been made on his part. He had set an alarm on his cell phone to remind him when to wake Fallon up to make her drink water. She was awake before him, so she got up slowly with a little dizziness and lay down on the sofa opposite to him. William was sleeping with his arms crossed over his chest. Fallon fought the reflex to draw on him.

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