~Chapter 33~ All Good Things Must Come to an End.

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Enjoy the last chapter of this book! I will start writing the sequel after Christmas, or maybe before, I don't know anymore... Anyways, the sequel is called A Ranger's Apprentice for Eternity (A Ranger's Apprentice Fan-Fic) so be sure to look for it when I publish it. (on here, not in real life.) Enjoy!

<><><><><><><>=Time-passing _____________________________________________________________________________

When I woke up, I knew I had forgotten to do something yesterday. My entire week had been chaotic. On top of my ankle injury, I had to study those stupid maps. Maps! Of all things in the world it had to be maps! I'd rather go outside and chop firewood for hours. But, if I do it, I'll eventually be allowed some free time until my ankle heals in a week. Finally a week left until I could resume my normal training. I got up and hobbled into the kitchen, quill, ink, and map in tow.

"Morning." Halt said while handing me a cup of coffee. "You need to get dressed and finish that map." He commented when he saw the blank map behind my back.

"Ok." I sighed, sipping my coffee. After I finished drinking the golden liquid, I got dressed and sat at the table, map in front of me. I can do this, it's just a map of our fiefdom, that should be easy enough. I sighed one last time before I picked up the quill and dipped it in the ink. I carefully drew the borders of Redmont, drawing the castle on the plains and the forest around Halt's cabin. Just for my sake, I drew Halt's cabin on the map so I could show someone the way if they needed it. Once I finished drawing the town and river with bridge I showed it to Halt. At first, when he read it over, he had a blank expression on his face. He set it down on the table and went over to a cabinet, pulling out a map of Redmont.

"Let's see how you did." He said, setting the map next to mine. What?! I'm being tested! How was I suppost to know? I stood next to him and pulled out a chair. Sitting down, I leaned back in the chair. After several minutes of Halt comparing the maps, I finally spoke up.

"Halt, while you check that, may I go outside and shoot my bow?" He nodded, still looking at both of the maps. I smiled, happy that a sense of normality was returning to my life, and grabbed my bow. I quickly opened the door and speed-walked over to the practice course. Standing 50 meters from the target, I shot my first arrow in weeks. It went to the side of the bullseye, so I wasn't very disappointed. Going closer to the target around 20 meters this time, I notched an arrow. Drawing the bow back to full draw, I released, the arrow flying into the bullseye. For once, in weeks, I grinned a happy grin. I shot several more arrows watching them all fly into the target next to the first. I slowly walked up to the target and pulled out all of my arrows. I looked at the small cross that had been hammered in the ground near the stream. It belonged to Silean, my beloved dog. She had died a few weeks ago, shot in the chest by the same person who had shot me. She was still small, not even 4 years old. Shrugging the thought of her off of my mind, I went back inside. It has now been 4 years since I have been with Halt. (Time passes much quicker in the book, so don't be confused.) I closed the door behind me, waving a quick hello to Halt before joining him at the table.

"Since your ankle is nearly healed, it is probably best if you get back to your normal routine. Also, I have gotten a note from Crowley. He said that the boy was sentenced to a year in the King's dungeons." I nodded, happy with his report. We both got up and went to sit by the fire, the cold depths of the house reaching us.

"How is everyone?" I said while smiling at Halt. He shrugged.

"They appeared to be fine the last time we saw them, but I haven't heard anything yet." He said, getting himself more coffee. I got up and stretched, the pain in my ankle nearly gone. I walked into the kitchen and put my coffee cup on the counter before going over to the door. "Where are you going?" Halt called after me.

A Ranger's Apprentice for life. (A Ranger's Apprentice FanFic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now