~Chapter 20~ Misunderstandings and Jealousy.

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Enjoy Chapter 20. Please comment, no one has been commenting. Which makes me wonder... Are you guys paying attention to my notes? Anyways, hope you enjoy.

A/N: I feel horrible about not updating quicker, I'll try to update faster next time, just been busy with summer work.. :P 


A gentle shaking arose me from my deep sleep. Opening my eyes, I saw Cobi and Anna standing above me. "Cobi... What are you doing here?" She smiled a sleepy smile.

"Crowley decided that we could aid Will, Anna, Halt and you in your mission. So, here I am." I smiled a drearily smile. Pulling myself up using the corner of the bed, Anna handed me my clothes.

"Better hurry up, it's past six o'clock, Halt and Will are getting antsy." I laughed, shooing them from the room. I got dressed and noticed that my equipment was gone, which was odd. I walked into the living room, I noticed that Halt, Will, Anna, Gilan, and Cobi were gathered in the living room. Halt was the only one to look up at me, and opened his mouth to speak.

"It's about time you woke up. I had your gear cleaned and checked, it's on the table over there," he pointed towards the table that was by the door. "Eat breakfast quickly and then come sit with us, we need to talk about those traitors." I nodded, thinking about why Halt would have cleaned my gear, but I realized he was probably just trying to be nice to me, I'd had a rough night yesterday. Cobi got up and helped me get my food, and then returned to the group. I grabbed the bowl and made my way over to my friends and sat down next to Halt and Will on the couch.

"Morning," Will said, a happy smile on his face. How is he happy with getting up this early in the morning, only the Lord knows. "Ready for work?"

"Morning to you too," the words came out sloppy, my mouth filled with food. "Sorry about that, anyways, I'm always ready to go on a mission. This would be my, what, like third mission now?" Halt cleared his throat, and his face said it all. Stop bragging, or your not going. I shot him one of my, I'm sorry, looks and returned to Will. Halt decided that he was going to speak, trying to avoid a confrontation between Will and I.

"We have decided to let all of our apprentices do the work. Gilan, Will and I will let you guys do the tracking and finding. They are known to ride horses to the towns in the west. When they arrive, they act as travelers and seek shelter in the local inn, which they rob during the middle of the night. They then move on the the smaller farms in the town and rob those as well. They are known as the Midnight Snatchers, an idiotic name if you ask me. Any questions?" Of course, like I thought she would, Anna raised her hand. "Yes Anna?" he sighed, knowing that he shouldn't have asked that.

"So, Cobi, Keira, and I will be doing all of the tracking and finding, so does that mean that we get to ride in front of you guys?" I snickered, realizing that was an important idea to her, getting to ride infront of our mentors, must be like her dream or something.

"Yes Anna, you get to ride in front of us," Will said hastily before Halt could reply. Anna nodded, but just as he thought he was done, Cobi raised her hand. Halt sighed again, turning to face her, eyebrows raised.

"What do you need Cobi?" His sigh was heavier this time, and sounded slightly tired. Cobi, adjusted her cloak before continuing.

"Well Halt, Will, Gilan, I've been thinking," suddenly like a spark, all three men answered at once.

"You're an apprentice, you're not ready to think." They chuckled amongst themselves, Anna and I joining in.

"Sorry about that, please continue..." Everyone could see the mischievous glimmer in Gilan's eyes, and it only made me smile more. Cobi's face flushed red for a moment, then returned to it's normal color.

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