~Chapter 19~ Past Pains and Future Skills

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Enjoy Chapter 19. Sorry about long wait, I haven't had a comp to use because my sis has been hogging it. :P

"Ending times of forming reign,

That sent and plot and kill and stain.

It beckoned with iron and fires of light,

Of soothing edge of the sacred night.

Upper runes that held such power,

That blind of deaths insatiable hour.

The age of blood, an era shall end,

For peace to thrive and world to mend"

~Edric Limoanco


I followed Halt behind the castle walls, our horses trailing behind us. People turned to stare, but the glares that Halt and I gave them made them quickly turn away. Walking along a path that twisted around the castle, I saw a Ranger's cabin that overlooked the sea. Man, Will and Anna have a good view here, but I still prefer being in the woods. Shaking my head, I followed Halt up to the door, knocking lightly on the oak wood. Anna opened the door, and I could see Will rising from the table behind her. I nodded my greetings as she invited me in. "Thanks," I said, my voice filled with awe from earlier. "Greetings Will, Anna." Will nodded at Halt, them myself. Halt looked around the cabin, looking at all of Will's belongings.

"Nice cabin. You really put a touch of yourself in here. I mean look at those wild daises." I couldn't help but laugh, and I could see a slightly hurt look in Will's eyes, making me quiet right on the spot. Halt stared at me, eyebrows raised once again, seeming to be angered by my outburst of laughter.

"Sorry..." I muttered, looking away, head slightly down. Anna grabbed my arm and dragged me into her room, saving me from Halt's scolding. "I'm going to assume that those flowers are your idea..." My voice trailing off as she nodded. Sitting down on her bed, motioning for me to sit next to her. Grabbing the end of my cloak, I lifted it up before sitting. I crossed my legs, positioning my cloak around me. Anna grabbed a piece of paper from a stick frame off her bedside table. She handed it to me, a sad look in her eyes.

"Those are my parents. That is all I have left of them. I barely remember them, and as far as I know, I don't have any family to support me. Now that I have become a Ranger, Will is like a father to me. That drawing is all that I have, besides memories and the possessions that my family left me." I shook my head, fighting back tears as my own memories flooded back into my mind.


"It's alright, no one will hurt you..." Baron Arald's soft voice filled my mind, his arms wrapped tightly around me as he watched the men who killed my family be taken away. "They can't hurt you again, I won't let them." I nodded, tears clouding my eyes. This is the first memory that I have of my past life, I was too young to remember my parents deaths, but I remember their killers. Their faces, grinning from ear to ear. It was only later that I found out who they were. They were her parents, and I will always remember what they did. But, unlike most people, I don't hold her accountable for what they did to me. But the look on their faces as they were brought to the castle, bound by the knights who so bravely fought to avenge their deaths. From what I am told, my father was a knight, bold and brave, always ready to take up arms. He had blonde hair, and a tall muscular body. His eyes blue like the sky. My mother, on the leaner side, was a Courier for Lady Pauline. She, on the other hand, had brown hair the color of the land. Her eyes were a shade of green, rare for my family. She had delivered messages to the highest nobles in the land, and everyone mourned their deaths.

"Baron, why did they kill Ma and Pa?" My little voice was twisted by the sobs that were racking my body, making me shake with rage. The Baron told me the easiest thing you can tell a small child, the words to help ease the pain.

"Keira," He crouched down and looked me in the face, his eyes glittering in the soft moon light. "No one knows why they killed your parents. We won't know, not for a long, long time. But for now, you need to stay strong for them." He brushed the tears off of my face with his rag, I hugged him and he picked me up.

"Baron," My voice filled with a new found curiosity. The Baron held me tight, making me feel safer.

"Yes Keria?" I thought for a few seconds before I asked the question, thinking of a way to say it out loud.

"Do you think my parents can see me in Heaven? Are they proud of me?" The Baron nodded, walking into the castle gates, toward the nursery.

"Oh Keira. Your parents can see you right now, and they are very proud of you. They will always be watching you from up there." He pointed up, my eyes following his finger. We walked for a few more minutes, my eyes growing heavy with drowsiness. I felt my eyes slip shut, laying my head on the Baron's shoulder, and slipped into a deep sleep. A sense of relief swept through my body, allowing me to have no worries. I slept soundly as I have never slept before.


Anna was shaking me, trying to get my attention. Halt and Will were also in the room, crouched down by my body. "Keira...Keira..." Her voice filled my head, my vision becoming clearer and clearer. I pushed myself up using my arms. I felt dizzy and slipped back down.

"Halt. Halt..." My voice was weak, my throat parched, desperate for some water. Halt picked me up in his strong arms, carrying me into the living room, setting me on the couch. Will went into the kitchen, fetching me some coffee. Halt sat down next to me, grabbing the cool water cloth that Anna had brought to him.

"Keira, what's wrong?" My thoughts were jumbled together, my mind couldn't think. Will walked in with the coffee in hand. He gave it to me, and I quickly drank it, asking for more.

"I don't really know what went wrong. I remember staring at the drawing that Anna had, and it brought back memories. Memories of my parents when I was younger." Tears pricked my eyes and Halt noticed.

"It's alright, those men can not hurt you anymore. They are probably dead, or still in jail." Anna hugged me, Halt put a hand on my shoulder. His hand was probably more comforting than Anna's hugs were, she seemed to be quiet, not speaking much. Maybe she has seen the same things that I have seen... Relaxing my entire body, I thought of Devin. Shortly after, I ate dinner with my new family. It is said that Ranger's are a close knit family, and I believe them. I have a new family now. I quickly popped outside and told Fury goodnight, whistling for Silean to come inside. He trotted in the door and laid down on the couch, causing everyone to stifle a short laugh. I sat down by the fire for a while, everyone telling stories of their childhood and the difficulties they had. I then decided to make an accusation. It seems like every Ranger has problems with their childhood, maybe that is why we are so good at what we do. We help uphold the law, defending people like ourselves. Getting up, I went into Anna's room and pulled out the spare matress that was under the bed. Laying my cloak down on top of it, I balled part of it up. Laying down I slipped into a light sleep. I cracked one eye open, just fast enough to see Halt close the bedroom door. Thinking about my new family, I smiled, and fell asleep happy.


Hope you enjoyed Chapter 19! Next time, there shall be a surprise.... *evil laugh* Please read, comment, vote, and I do say fan! Thanks for the support! :D <3

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