~Chapter 13~ The End Of Horrible Things and The Start Of New Things

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Enjoy Chapter 13! Please comment, vote,read, and fan. I do not own Anna or Ping. They are owned by my friend Madi. _____________________________________________________________________________

Waking up was harder today that I thought it would be. When I finally convinced myself that it was worth while, I pulled myself from under neath the covers. Today would be like any normal day would be, without the gathering. As I was slowly pulling my day clothes on, someone knocked on my door. Rushing to finished getting dressed, I pulled the door open as I was putting my hair up. Devin stood there, grinning at me, arms folded across his chest. Walking in, he pushed the door shut behind him. Pulling me closer to him, he whispered in my ear. "Damn, you look good today." I laughed and shot back one of my responses.

'Devin, you know that this is what I wear everyday. You do look good today.... When do you have to go back to Crowley?" H set me down on the bed and sat down next to me.

"Actually, that's what I was going to talk to you about. I have to leave right now, and the next time I might see you is at the gathering. But, I will send a pigeon with letters every week." I nodded, suddenly feeling my day turn sadder. He kissed me gently on the lips, and stood up, holding my hand as he walked towards the door. I sat there watching him, and I heard my door shut, only then did I stand up. Grabbing my cloak and weapons, I walked into the living room, grabbing a quick bowl of oat meal to eat, along with the famous coffee. After a rushed breakfast, I went outside and and did my chores, plus the added ones from yesterday. That's perfectly normal. Halt just gives me more chores to do, then runs off. Rolling my eyes, I went ot feed and water Silean and the horses. I saw that Abelard was still there, so he must have walked, or was sulking around somewhere near here. Glancing around from the porch, I noticed a strange man walking next to Halt. He had a cloak, just like every Ranger's, and there was an apprentice next to his side. I sat down on the chair by the steps, knowing that Halt would introduce these strangers to me.

"Keira, come meet my ex-apprentice Will and his new apprentice Cole." I quietly moaned, realizing that I would have to go to them. I really was lazy today. Walking up to them, I slightly bowed, following the Ranger's Conduct. (I added the bowing to fully fledged Rangers :P I mean why not right?) I noticed Will's apprentice was taking off his hood, and I was shocked by what I saw. Cole wasn't a boy at all, but another girl Ranger like me. I hugged her, and exclaimed with much joy.

"Another girl! I'm Keira by the way, would you like some coffee?" She nodded and as we were walking inside, said something in a gentle voice, that sounded sweet, with some sour added.

"Thanks, my name isn't Cole, by the way. I'm actually called Anna. We were just trying to suprise you, and I guess that it worked." She laughed and sat down while I put the water on.

"Well thanks, I guess. For telling me, that is, but why keep it a secret, everyone in the Ranger Corps knows that I'm a girl." I heard the water beginning to screech, telling me that it was hot enough to add the coffee powder. Adding in a cup of powder, I made strong coffee, and put several spoons of honey in both cups. Handing her a cup, I sat down across from her, and took out a scroll, ink well, and feather pen. I kept recieving curious glances from Anna, but I shruged them off, at least until I had written Devin. Writing Devin a long detailed description of what just happened, I signed the letter with an I love you, and sealed it with the Ranger Corps seal. I realized that Anna had been watching me the entire time. I heard her sigh.

"Really? You have a boyfriend? Is he a Ranger or something?" I nodded and she continued talking. " I have been lonely my whole life, My parents had betrayed the kingdom, continually revealing information about the kingdom's growing weakness to Morgorath. I was abandoned by them when I was three, and only because of the Baron's pity was I accepted to become a ward. I don't really like Halt very much though, because he's the one who tried to kill me, before Baron Arald stopped him. My entire life that I was living before I became Will's Apprentice was a lie, my parents were not who I thought they were." She became silent, and I saw her eyes tear up. I hugged her then tried to change the subject.

"Hey Anna, how about we go ride around for a while. That is, if Halt will let me." She stared at me before getting up and walking over to the door.

"Why wouldn't he let you?" I thought of an easy way to explain the situation to her. I finally came up with a way to explain it.

"About a week ago, I was out in the woods, and came back later than expected. Halt got mad at me because I just rode off, with no explanation. He told me that I wasn't allowed to go riding out farther than one mile from the cabin. I got into a lot of trouble, and I don't know if he has forgiven me yet, especially what happen at the gathering, which didn't help my situation." She nodded, and I could tell that she was trying to think of a reply, but I didn't allow her time for one. I went outside and walked up to Halt, waiting until he was ready to speak to me. "Halt?" He nodded and raised his eyebrows, the international symbol for continue. "Anna and I were wondering if we could go out riding, maybe to that clearing northwest of here, the one that is 4 miles away." He took time to think about this, I could tell that he was arguing with himself. He glanced at Will, who nodded his head in reply.

"Fine, you may go. But remember, be back by dinner, unless you want more to do. Got it?" I nodded and ran off to Anna, who was saddling up Fury for me. I told her where we were going, how long we had, and how far away it was. But she seemed to have different ideas.

"How about we ride over to town. It will take us around an hour and a half to get there. Maybe we could even go shopping, buy a couple of things, and come back around six o'clock." I thought about what she had said, then about what Halt had told me. Finally coming to a decision, I gave her my answer.

"Let's go!" With that, we mounted up, and took off in the direction of the clearing, only to change course halfway there. Heading towards the town, I had time to think to myself. Going to town sounds like fun, but dinner is always at five o'clock. I could end up in a lot of trouble for this, but it seems worth it. Besides, it's only and extra hour, how bad could that be? Trotting beside Anna, I realized that my life was about to get very exciting. _____________________________________________________________________________

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 13! Please comment, read, vote, and fan! Message me if you like what you are reading, and please actually do it. I need feedback. Thanks!

Sorry about spacing, it's acting weird at the end and beginning....

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