~Chapter 25~ The Birthday Surprise

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Make sure to enjoy this chapter my fans, because it's just for you.

A/N: I have been thinking about writing another book about a girl who get stranded in the mountains after a plane crash.. (Classic, right?) It will be called The Mountains of Nevanya. (Yes I made up the name :P) Please comment or message me what you think. If you tell me some suggestions, (characters, places, ideas, things, ect.) you will get a special mention in my books. (Yes, that is all of them.) Anyways, enjoy this chapter.


I stared in shock at the letter that was in my hand, not wanting to believe it.

It read:

"My dearest love,

I am writing you this letter to tell you Happy Birthday. I know that we can not be there to celebrate with you, but we will be there in spirit. We have had to plan this ahead of time, but the present enclosed is just for you. We thought that you could use it in your new craft. Make sure to take care of it and don't lose it.


Mum and Dad"

Tears started to slide down my face as I put my hand over my mouth. I dropped the letter that I had clutched close to me, letting it flutter to the ground. I then proceeded to pick up the present, ripping the paper off of it. Feeling inside it for the un-known gift, I pulled out a small box. Carefully opening it, I saw something that made my heart stop. A silver oakleaf with the number 39 engraved on the back. My parents were rangers... no wonder Baron Arald took me in. It took me several minutes to figure out which parent had been a Ranger, and it was my dad. Why had he kept this from me? Everyone was staring at me, leaving the room in an akward silence.

"Hey, are you alright?" Gilan asked, breaking the awkwardness. I shook my head no, standing up and wallking outside. I grabbed my packs and slung them over Fury. Halt walked out holding the rest of my presents and put them in his saddle bags. I quickly mounted Fury, and Halt mounted Abelard, turning towards the entrence to the village.

"Let's go, I think it is time we head out." I nodded, following Halt through the gate over to the bridge. We sat there waiting for the ferry to come back. "I know that finding the oakleaf is hard, I know how you feel. I grew up alone with no one. But when Ranger Pitchard took me in, I finally had someone to rely on. Now, you can rely on me, ok?" I nodded, pulling Fury's reigns and guiding her onto the platform. When we finished crossing over, we waved one last time to pur friends. I had given Halt the oakleaf, and he said that he would give it to Crowley.

"Halt? Would it be possible to have that oakleaf when I become a full fledged ranger?" Halt nodded, shrugging.

"I don't see why not. I'm sure that Crowley would let you have it. You know, I bet that Crowley knew your parents. We could ask him later if you like." I nodded, resting my head on Fury's neck. We rode for hours, and I drifted off to sleep. By the time I woke up, we were a good ten minutes from the cabin. I looked around after wiping my eyes and noticed something I hadn't seen before. A letter, carved in a tree by the entrence to the clearing. It was the letter D, and I knew what it meant. D for Devin. He was here. My heart fluttered with joy and I woke up more. When did he come here? We stopped by the paddock, dismiunting and watering the horses. Fury nickered great fully and took a long sip. I walked inside, opening the door and stepping inside. Everything was the same, nothing had been moved or changed. I went over to the fireplace and brought the ashes outside, scattering them in the gentle evening breeze. I saw Halt untacking the horses and grabbed some firewood from under the cabbin. I made a fire like I have done a thousand times, then moved to the kitchen to get myself some food. I rummaged through the cabinets and came across a small tin of ham. I went over to the window and called out to Halt.

"Hey Halt, can I eat the ham?" I put my ear out the window, awaiting a reply.

"Sure, just save me a few pieces." Halt replied, looking towards the window.

"Alright," I said, closing the window and pulling a plate out of a cabinet. I made myself a quick sandwich, leaving the rest of the ham on the counter for Halt. I quickly devoured my sandwich, then stared greedily at the rest of the ham. Should I eat it...? Heck, why not. I grabbed the rest of the ham and ate it out of the container, tossing it in the trash can when I finished. I washed my plate and walked back to my bedroom, feeling full and happy. I grabbed my saxe knife and a stick that I had brougbt in before I left. I started to carve the stick, using designs and letters. I was nearly done carving my name when I heard a sigh coming from the kitchen. He must have found out, I guess I will keep carving . I carved a heart with Devin's name next to it. By the time I was half way finished with my stick, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I stated, knowing that it was probably Halt. But I was wrong. Devin walked in, holding a large wrapped gift in his hands. "Devin!" I screamed, jumping off of the bed and throwing my arms around him.

"Hey baby. I missed you. Did you get my message outside?" I nodded, allowing him to pick me up and set me on the bed. "I got you a present." He handed it to me, sitting down beside me, and put his arm around my waist. I carefully opened the package, and was awed by what I saw. A bow lay before me, runes carved into it. It was a long bow, like the one Halt used. I gently set it on the ground, hugging Devin again.

"I thought you would like it." Devin whispered in my ear. I pulled out of the hug and gave him a long kiss.

"Of course I do." I said, out of breath. We sat on the bed hugging until I heard someone clear their throat. I glanced up to see Halt, and he motioned me to follow him. I got up. "Be right back." I told Devin. He nodded, laying on my bed. I followed Halt into the living room and stood, arms crossed.

"We have to go, Baron Arald needs to talk to us. Devin will have to come over some other time. Pack up your day pack,then meet ms outside. I will saddle Fury for you." I nodded. a slight pang of sadness went through my body.

"Alright, thanks for telling me." I sighed, waking back to my bedroom. I walked over to Devin and picked up his hand. " You have to go. I have to go on a mission, but I will see you later. Why don't you come over tomorrow?" He gave me the puply dog eyes, but stood up.

"I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow then." Devin said, his voice cracking. He walked out and I heard him ride away. I quickly packed my stuff, and grabbed my old bow. Running outside, I slung my pack oved Fury's back. Grabbing the reigns I rode towards Halt at a walk.

"It is about time you got here. Let's go see Baron Arald." He turned and we rode towards Castle Redmont.


Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Remember; Vote, read, comment, and I do say fan. Make sure to send me a message about my new book, and you will get a special notice.

A Ranger's Apprentice for life. (A Ranger's Apprentice FanFic) Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora