~Chapter 26~ Break ups and Goodbyes

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  • Dedicated to Ms. Rhodes

Enjoy chapter 26 guys

A/N: If anyone has any comments or questions about any of my books, feel free to message me. Also, please remember that I am not John Flanagan and I will not write like him. Since this is a fan-fiction, this is my story of R.A. Some of the character's personalities are subject to change.


We rode at a canter and reached Castle Redmont quickly. Fury was slightly sweaty, and I left her with the grooms next to Abelard. We walked towards Baron Arald's tower, Halt briefing me along the way. "We have just received word that a young man named Marithia is gathering an army for unknown reasons. He is in the Redmont Fief, and that makes him our responsibility." When we arrived at the Baron's office, he stood to greet us.

"Thank you for coming Halt and Keira. King Duncan told me to assign you to the job because he thought that you could handle it. He also requests that you meet with him when you have finished your duties here." Halt merely nodded, but I was shocked. King Duncan, the king, requests this mission for us? That is so amazing! I swear that I was bouncing up and down with joy and excitement. I noticed that Baron Arald was leaving out some information, so I had to comment.

"My lord, I believe you left out some information. Where is this Marithia and his army located?" Halt sighed, clearly unhappy with my question. Baron Arald put his hand on my shoulder and clasped it gently.

"It's alright Halt," he assured my mentor. "Marithia is in the village at Jenny's Cafe. He lives in a small farm house near the river, and has been assembling troops there for quite some time. It's up to you both to figure out what he is doing and stop him." We nodded and told him goodbye, heading out to the stables to reclaim our horses we had left there. One of the stable hands was feeding Abelard an apple, which he seemed happy to receive. Halt, for his part in the matter, took Abelard from the stable hand and mounted him

"Let's go, I think it is time we head out. " I nodded and thanked the lad who held my horse, and mounted. Quickly following Halt, I clicked my tongue, a sign for Fury to trot. We rode across the bridge, galloping by the guard house. Halt knew the dangers of this situation, and this man was by Jenny, so we had to stop him. When we arrived at the cafe, life busted there. I dismounted, slightly out of breath from the fast ride. I tied Fury's reigns together and threw them over the saddle horn, signing free before I followed Halt into the cafe. Jenny, happy as ever, walked over to greet us.

"Hi guys!" She exclaimed, handing us two of her menus. "I have a table in the back just for you. Follow me please." She started to lead us away, but Halt stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Jenny, but we are busy right now on a mission. We need to talk to you about it actually. Do you have anywhere private for us to speak?" She nodded, taking her menus back and throwing them on a table.

"Clean those up!" She commanded one of her waiters, obviously not happy that we weren't ordering anything. She lead us to a room in the back and shut the door. I quickly observed my surroundings. A table, lamp, chair, bed, dresser, and a rug. This must be her room... It is nice though, but small. Halt glanced at me as if to say; Notice how angry she is, play it cool. I started to speak.

"Jenny, there is this ma-" I was cut off my her, and the anger in her voice stung like bees.

"I know already, you don't think that Baron Arald warned me! If you are not ordering anything, get out now!" She was very angry, and obviously hurt inside. Halt tried to patch the situation back up.

"Jenny, we just need to know the last time that you saw him. Please tell us." She nodded, seeming to calm down at Halt's words, but her voice was still like fire.

"That man was in here yesterday, trying to flirt with me. He said that he lived by the river. It was disgusting." Halt nodded, thanking her for the information, walking out of the room. I was left alone with Jenny.

"So, if you wouldn't mind, could you get me two coffees?" I asked her, instantly seeing her face light up. She nodded walking out of the room, and I followed. I walked over to the main door and waited for her to come back with the coffees. I fished two silver out of my pocket and offered it to her, but she declined.

"Keep it, these are on the house." I nodded my thanks and went outside, handing one coffee to Halt, who was leaning against the hitching post.

"Jenny let us have these on the house. Here." I handed him a coffee and he great fully took a sip of it, nodding with pleasure.

"She always could make the best coffee in the kingdom." He said in between sips. "I'm not meaning to pry, but how are things between you and Devin?" I shrugged. Devin and I had grown apart over the past weeks. We haven't been able to see each other, so things were getting harder. I guess that's what happens when you fall in love with a Ranger...

"Well, we aren't exactly close anymore. We have had a hard time keeping the relationship going because we are both on missions frequently. We are growing apart..." Halt nodded, his eyes full of what seemed to be sympathy.

"I know the feeling, at first, it was hard to keep my relationship going with Lady Pauline, but we found a way, and so will you." I nodded, locking those words in my head. "Well," Halt said, crumpling up his coffee cup, (The cup is made out of paper.) "We should get moving again, we have lost half of an hour." We both mounted once again and swung towards the trail that would lead us to our destination. When we arrived at the army grounds, the men th9ught that we were there to join them.

"Lord, we have more mercenaries!" One of the scouts called out as we rode by. Halt and I were careful to keep our oak leaves tucked away in our shirts. They don't know who we are... Halt shot me a quick look that said: let me do all of the talking. I nodded, showing him that I acknowledged his order. Some men walked up to us and lead us to the main tent. We dismounted, lightly tying our horses to the posts outside and followed the men in. We stopped, waiting while the men bowed and spoke to their leader in whispered voices. When they finished, the men left and stood outside of the tent.

"I hear you want to join my army. What can you do?" Marithia said, shining his sword as he walked around the room. Halt and I were standing up holding nothing in our hands, but my hand instinctively to my throwing knife. Marithia didn't notice, but Halt did. He shot me one last look before he spoke.

"My lord," Halt said, hating the fact at calling this man a lord. "My apprentice and I wish to join your army. We are good with bows and knives. We can also ride well." He said, keeping his eyes locked with Marithia's. Marithia looked at us, then decided whether to take us or not.

"If I take you sir, and girl, you will have to obey my every command. Now kneel!" Marithia commanded, holding his sword out so it was visible to us. I looked at Halt and he kneeled, motioning for me to do the same. I kneeled quickly, keeping my head bowed and turned slightly towards Halt so I could see if he made any hand motions. "Good, good." Marithia said with a laugh, grinning like a mad dog. "Now, let's see what you can do in battle, shall we?" He allowed us to stand up and opened the tent flap before us. "After you..." He said, making my nerves stand on end.


I hope you enjoyed this long awaited chapter. I will try to get another one out this weekend. Thanks for supporting and reading. Remember, read, vote, comment, and I do say fan! :D

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