Results and Prizes!

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I am so so so os os so so TERRIBLY sorry it has taken this long to get you guys the results. As of yet, you have smashed my expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. 
Thank you all who have not given up on me, and that you guys participated in this. Around the end, my life got a little hectic, as well as some you guys. So I am again sorry for the extremely long wait. You shouldn't have had to wait that long. 
Through this whole contest, I have had the pleasure of watching writers not only grow, but I watched you guys be such amazing competitors. You were all very gracious and yet, also competitive. I also got to know a few of you, and you are all so nice and epic. I couldn't have had a better set of competitors. You guys are such excellent writers, and though you all have your weaknesses, your strengths are SO MUCH more spectacular. It was a great joy to read the crazy prompts I gave you, and to see your creativity play out. Thank you so much for this opportunity. 

Results: As for results? Well, I read, and then reread both your content. And this has probably been the hardest choice yet. You both are amazing writers, and you both handled the prompt SO WELLLLL! I was so delighted. But there could only be one winner, and it kills me and yet makes me really happy to say. It was a super close call, but in the end, the judges and I had to make a choice. 
I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this. 
And the ways you guys involved the doorknobs. THAT was better than anything I could ever imagine. 
So, without further ado, the winner is BlackFeather. 


You have won this competition. Your writing is outstanding, keep it up. You do beautiful stories and I cannot begin to point out the magnificence of it. 
As said in the Info Dump, you get your prizes. 
I will be you beta reader if you so wish. The functioning of a beta reader is to read through your content and give you tips and tell you what would need fixing and what you did right. 
And if you need an editor, I am here. 
And if you want neither of those, you can always come to me for writing advice if you feel you need some. 
And, as said in the Info Dump, I will also dedicate a story to you. This time, you give me the prompt. You say if you want it to be a one-shot or a multi chapter story, and I will write it for you. You're preference. 
And last but not least, I will give you a shoutout and a follow (unless I am following you already) 
Congratulations. *hugs* I hope the competition was fun! 

And BananaBam03 has won second PLACE 


You smashed it! You're writing is amazing, and I am so happy to have you as my second place winner. Keep writing, keep practicing and keep going. You have so much potential and you are already such a good writer. Your stories and the way you went about executing them were just amazing. I couldn't have done better. 
As said in Info Dump, your prizes are: 
I can offer writing advice whenever you need it
I can be a beta reader if you need it
And you get a follow and a shoutout 




If I missed anyone, please comment! 
I AM SO HAPPY, OVERJOYED, that you guys joined the competition! I cannot express my gratitude to you guys. It was a joy having you, and I know a lot of you were busy and had to drop out. I get it. And though I wished I could have experienced your talent in writing more than I did, I was so happy you joined. 

Thank you to my judges! They helped me talk over and choose accurately, and helped me see differences in writing, and your strengths and weaknesses. They were excellent helpers. They gave me a new perspective on judging writing! THANK YOU! 



I can't wait to do another one. 

A lot of you asked me if I would do another competition. Well, seeing as how busy I was during the end of this, I am not sure. I hated making you guys wait. It killed me. But you guys are so forgiving, I didn't deserve it. IF I do another one, it will be earlier in the summer, so that I can dedicate my time to you guys. It was such an honor being your host, even if I was a terrible one. XD 
If you want to do another competition, let me know, and I will set one up for next summer. I will probably start doing them over summers. 



She made two beautiful covers for this competition. I wasn't able to use them because my phone and computer were messed up. I am SO thankful that she took time out of  her day and did that, it was so nice and thoughtful. I wish I could have used it. And if I am able to, the next competition I will hold, I will try and try to get those covers as the main theme. It was beautifully done! THANK YOU! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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