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HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Sorry its taken so long... XD But here are the results! For Task 3 you were asked to do a camping trip with the twins and Legolas and Glorfindel. It was required to have humor, danger and a body of water or something... XD But you all nailed it and did beautiful work. I laughed till my face and stomach hurt. And just.... Stew guys... stew... XD *dies laughing* 

Sadly, there can only be one winner. *sighs* and after some debate and agreement with the judges, your winner is... 
For coming closest to what The judges and I were looking for and having an over all well written story and just staying very true to the characters... the winner is.


You're story is the winner. Congrats. Every one seemed to grasp and nail what we were looking for, which meant we had to go to other measures of judging, and you met them. The others were SO close behind though. So for the next task, everyone will seriously need to put on their game faces. Like... You guys have blown me away. 

I am sorry to say this, but: 

GerithorDunedain is eliminated. 

I'll have the next task up ASAP 




You are the only three left. May your keyboards clack efficiently 



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