Day 11

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Dear Journal,

From all the GYLC days, today is the 'most' boring - Half the day, spent in LGMs for summit discussions. Really, I don't like to be kept waiting for lessons to end. I know that I'm very impatient and that's the main problem; I don't listen for long, get sidetracked then get into trouble when questions asked.

Long story short: Ms Joyce asks a question, I freeze. Fortunately, although she can be quite stern at times, she can be very forgiving. So I get out of it with an excuse. No big deal now. Besides I have other things to think about. I have to run to the nursing facility at one point in the day!

It all starts early in the morning with me playing basketball with friends when the ball finds its way to hit my finger and BOOM! There I am now 'Huda with a huge blue bruised potato finger'. They could make a Roald Dahl version story of it I guess.

First, I assume it's nothing and I'll be fine but soon it begins searing and out of the LGM I go to the nurse with soggy eyes and press ice against it.

So, that is how awful it is until evening. The national Delegation's Rally comes for a cheer up. It is supposed to be a performance based on the country we represent exhibiting what we know so far about their culture and heritage. Speaking about me? Turkey!

My hilarious group mates, who undoubtedly find joke of everything, and I fashion a comic act. I am to hold the flag which is a 'big thing' (Yesss!) and Kudzai, one of my friends from Zimbabwe who has got a melodious and a charming voice sing for us. On stage, we DO blast! All other shows are also fun to watch; the chanting and laughing add to a really agreeable night. BUT RUSSIA WINS.

Cook out (that would be amusing probably) was planned for the late night but gets cancelled with the rain beating down on us out of nowhere sending all in except me. The sky is gorging apart with clear purple scars. I am out alone. And I lam liking it. Very much. Living in Saudi Arabia for sixteen years (my whole life so far) where the weather gets as dry as sand paper, I have learned to admire and long for the rain, yes.

Now, I am back in my dorm room all wet, filthy and cold and dead beat and drowsy too (well, put everything bad you can think of in). I know I must take a bath but I feel so slothful to do so. (Oops! Mom's going to be furious if she finds out what I did. I hope I don't catch a fever or something) Well, I will go take a clean shower anyway and off to bed then. Wohhhoooooo! Can't wait for tomorrow, It's a big day!

Love Always


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