Day 2

31 3 0

Dear Journal,

Nearly all day today is painfully dull being at Leadership Group Meetings (LGMs). So, not much is happening other than me noticing people travelling with me growing into strangers and ignoring each other, which will come to be a wound I will keep with me.

At the LGM, we have two main events that stand out today.

First, Mr. Francis gives us each an orange and a notepad to write something unusual about that orange. When few minutes elapse, we are to put back the oranges in a pile. Then when they are shuffled and mixed up, we are to find back our orange from it in a few seconds time. The point is to help us understand that although we think we have similar human mind we could still completely distinguish ourselves from others. How creative is that?! I never got to find my orange though but this is what I scrabbled down:

· Bright in color

· Few places, slightly green

· Has got standing-out veins from the centre of the sphere

· A few cracks here and there (Like my brain)

An Italian girl who looks a lot like Blake Lively with very wavy hair blurts out "Why Oranges?" and we all laugh. I love the way she pronounces things; "Italy – with a blunt "t" and an extended "a" like an "aaaaaaa".

The second is a game of keeping engaged in a conversation without using the words 'me, I or you'. It turns out to be trickier than I thought. Funny thing is out of twenty people I become the winner. Howwwwww?? Can I really deliberately talk the longest without exercising personal words?! I don't think I am that selfless. The most likely explanation I can summon is that my Chinese friend (please be understanding why I don't remember her name and I am not going to ask her what's it again tomorrow because I already asked thrice today, Oops!) didn't give a damn about who wins this stupid game and didn't hence, call the faculty advisor on me. Thank God.

Well, that is all. Time to shut off now.

Love Always


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