Chapter 8: You Can't Find the Old Me.

Start from the beginning

No one responded, but I felt like I was being carried upstairs, and that's when I felt the warm water on my body. It felt soothing, and made me calm down.

I was then dried off, and someone dressed me.

I slowly started to open my eyes, to see three people staring back at me worriedly.

I tried to speak but my throat was dry, "water" I managed to croak out.

Josh got up, and came back with two water bottles which I happily downed in a couple of seconds.

"Thanks" I said out of breathe.

"What happened to you?" Cher looked like she was about to cry.

"Vampires kidnapped me" I shrugged.

I wasn't planning on telling anyone the details, not even Josh, Cher and Bella.

"She doesn't want to talk about it, just leave her be" Bella smiled weakly at me.

"Thanks" I nodded.

"Are you hungry?" Josh asked me.

"Yeah is it okay if I eat something?" I asked.

"Why even bother asking? You live here" Cher said while giving me a weird look.

"Sorry, I forgot" I smiled sheepishly.

"Why are you sorry?" Cher looked confused.

"You've been acting really different" She stated.

"Sorry, being tortured for six months does that to you" I shrugged.

She looked like she regretted what she said, but I dismissed it.

I grabbed a piece of toast, and put a bit of butter on it. I grabbed myself a glass of orange juice, and I was set.

"Is that all you're having?" Josh looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, not really that hungry" I shrugged.

"Jeez, you've probably been starved for six months, just by looking at you I can tell you lost at least seventy pounds if not more!" Josh argued.

"Josh, I'm really not hungry!" I whispered.

"Fine, suit yourself" He said as he walked out of the kitchen.

After I ate, I lay down in my bed and slept for the whole day.

Someone was shaking me, and I winced from the contact.

"Wake up, you still have school today!" I heard Cher's voice yelling.

"Okay I'm up" I groaned.

I decided to wear my purple sweater that says 'Like a boss', grey sweats, black converse, and no makeup.

I left my hair down, grabbed my bag, and decided to walk to school.

By the time I got there, everyone was staring and whispering about me.

Out of nowhere the two packs approached me, with Damon and the brunette leading the way of course.

"You look really skinny, how'd you lose all that weight?" The brunette smirked at me.

I smirked, "Even before I was 'skinny' as you put it, I was a smaller size than you are now, so shut it" I shoved her shoulder as I walked past them.


"Chick, the first time I saw you was yesterday, why would I be jealous. I could really care less of what you have that I don't, this isn't grade two show and tell, get over yourself" I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"I thought after being raped, and beaten every day that you'd turn shy" I heard her yell.


People were staring at me throughout the day, but I didn't really care. I brushed it off until lunch, and that's when everyone minded their own business.

I was eating an apple, when I was rudely interrupted by the brunette girl Damon's with, whose name I have failed to know or even remember.

"Alexis you're so ugly! No wonder why you're eating an apple, at least you'd have a nice body all the boys could bang right?" She smirked down at me as the cafeteria fell silent.

I laughed to myself.

"Do you have a life or?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She didn't say anything, so I just continued.

"Dude, I've known you for a day and you act like you know me so well when I don't even know your name or care to remember it. Why are you so obsessed with my life? Does me eating an apple affect you in some way? No, so why do you care? Clearly it's either because you want attention or it's because you're insecure, and I'm guessing it's both" I said loud and clear enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone started laughing, and she huffed.

I went back to eating my apple, when a voice I still haven't heard interrupted my thoughts.

"Don't speak to my girlfriend that way!" Damon attempted to growl at me.

"Tell your girlfriend not to speak to me at all, and we won't have a problem" I said without turning, just continuing to eat.

"So you are jealous! HA!" She stated in triumph.

"How? I'm sorry I don't want to talk to someone whose voice makes my brain bleed" I said sarcastically, and shrugged.

Before she could say another word, Cher interrupted our conversation, if you want to us arguing that.

"SCRAM!" She growled at the brunette, and she flinched back like the coward I knew she was.

Without another word, they both walked away.

Classes went by incredibly fast when I had my iPod in, enjoying the music.

Before I knew it, school was finally over, and I could go home and sleep all day.

This seemed like a cycle to me, wake up, eat, go to school, come home, sleep, wake up, and then go back to school. I didn't do anything else, nothing social or 'fun'; my idea of fun right now... was sleeping.

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