"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," I apologize.

"Yours is it, then,"

"Wait, no. I'd like to stay with you," he doesn't respond, but the slight smile on his face proves that he's satisfied with my answer and that is exactly what I aimed for.

When we arrive at his place finally, it's already three in the afternoon. The traffic made it even harder for us to get to his building. During which, however, Andrew managed a few phone calls, many of which with his secretary and some with other businessmen.

"You know everywhere, so make yourself at home. I need to take care of some business first, but I'll find you once I'm done." Leaning forward, he plants an unexpected kiss on my lips before disappearing into his office with a glimpse of a smile on his face.

I walk upstairs to find a change of clothing. I can't help my drifted glance at the closed door in the room. For a long time I was wondering what it could lead to but eventually gave up to the reason it could be an attic. Now knowing there is a whole new world just on the other side of this room, it brings me a chill thinking I don't have much distance to it.

The question arises- do I want to experience it? Do I want to go through it with Andrew, knowing well, he would take care of me, but that is given when we are outside of that room? What is waiting for me when he steps in there? To take my mind off of this staggering twisted situation, I make my way downstairs and to the library in front of his office.

I look at the closed door. The intrigued thought of going inside and invade his privacy and have some fun clouds my head, but before I know it, I find my way in the exact opposite to the library and soon I'm running my fingers through the selections of books.

I bet he hasn't even read half of these. But to say that the books are just here for a decoration or not, that's a tough question since I find so many good collections that only a true reader would know about. Flickering through, my eyes catch an interesting title in the several books.

The Art of Sex.

"You dirty boy," I click my tongue before taking out the book and running a hand over the cover. It seems like pretty much untouched, but why would he even buy this book when in the first place he's the lord of the manor when it comes down to sex.

When I open the book, the first thing I meet by the first few pages is the introduction and many words that make no sense to me. But then it gets to the interesting parts and I find some explicit images of two imaginary figures demonstrating each of the arts. Some of them are so intense and even thinking about letting a man do that stuff to a woman's body crawl a shiver into my body, but then there is some stuff that makes you more intrigued.

"I see you're getting yourself really comfy," Andrew's voice frightens me that for a second I lose my grip on the book. "I was looking for you, thought you left,"

"Yeah, as if you would let me go," I roll my eyes and turn back to the shelf so I can put the book in its place.

"Damn right," he strides to my side and takes hold of the book before I can return it. "Someone is kinky a bit,"

"Says the man who has a playroom just above our head," I challenge him by a raise of an eyebrow.

Much to my surprise, he doesn't reply rather he keeps looking at me with determined eyes, not angry and not amused, more like interested. I walk out of the room with Andrew hot on my heels following me.

"I was about to order us some dinner, what would you like?" Andrew puts the book in his hand on the counter and picks up the phone.

"Anything would be fine," I reply.

Blazes of Temptation- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now